17. Coming Back from Everlasting

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After Aliana's return, everyone was wondering how she came back from the Land Everlasting. So one day she called a meeting of her people and BAP. As everyone was taking their seats Aliana was in the back going over what she was going to say. She took a breath and walked out into the meeting room where everyone was waiting. She stood in front of them all wearing a dark blue dress that fit her body well. She took a breath and spoke.

"Hello, my fellow family members both far and close. Greetings to the member of BAP, thank you for being here. Today I am here to speak about how I came back from the Land of Everlasting. Well here goes. After using a large amount of both my power and the powers of my demons, my life was slowly fading. So I said my goodbyes to my mate Yong, thinking it would be the last time I would see him. Then I faded. When I awake I was laying in a field with the sun shining down on me, I could feel the heat from it. I was surrounded by roses but they were blue roses. I slowly began to sit up and look around, not seeing anyone around me in fact, there was nothing around me. I froze when I say someone approaching me, I couldn't see who it was but I knew it was a man. As he got closer I heard a sound like a whistle, I've heard it before and I realize who it was. I began running towards the man, finding that it was my father." She stopped from the sound of gasping from her family. Yong stood up and walked over to her as she stood there. He stood close to her, whispering in her ear. She took a breath and continued.

"We stood there in silence until he pulled me into a hug, stroking my hair like he had done to me as a child. There were no words but I could hear his voice. He told me these words to say to all of you. To my mother, he said that he misses you and still enjoys watching you doing your hair in the morning," She stopped s her mother started crying with a smile. "Alan, father is so proud of the man you've become without him being there after you were born. He asked for you to forgive him for biting the bullet too soon before he got the chance to hold you," She stopped once again to see Alan hiding his face. "Then he spoke to me about the guys," She said and looked at Yong and BAP, their eyes widened. "He is happy that you went to the party that night. He is happy that Yong is my mate and is proud to say that he accepts Yong and wishes o have the members of BAP become apart of your family forever." She said everyone was smiling.

"Also this is one thing that he requested from me, that I step down from the council and I agreed with him." Some people were already disagreeing with this, Aliana was so strong that they felt more comfortable with her on the council. "He asked it of me, I agree and here is the reason. He wants me to be happy and, please remember that my father likes to tell jokes when he is serious. He said that he wants to see some cute little grandbabies." She stopped and laughed with everyone else. Yong was smiling with winking at her, Aliana was smiling. "So are the request of my father Lord Damen, I hereby leave my seat to my brother Alan." She said smiling, Alan had a shocked look on his face. He soon seemed happy and stood up, he walked up to Aliana and hugged her.

"Thank you, big sister," He whispered to her, she smiled.

"Father always wanted you up here, I was never really good at this anyway." She said laughing. Turning back to the crowd Aliana spoke for the last time. "So in my final words, I am home." She said stepping down walking over to Yong, sitting on his lap. Everything will be okay, for everyone now and even me.

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