11. Spending A Day With You

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~Yong POV~

When the morning light hit my eyes through the curtains, I slowly awakened. I looked down and smiled at the sight of this beautiful creature sleeping in my arms. Aliana was sleeping peacefully cuddled close to me, she was a true beauty. I held her tighter and snuggled close to her, inhaling her scent. She was perfect, the perfect woman for me. I'm so happy to have met her that night at the party, I'm so happy that I went there. I smiled and without noticing that Ailana was awake and looking at me with sleepy eyes.

"Morning Aliana," I said kissing her forehead. She smiled and sat up, sitting next to me.

"So since I have all day off, what do you have in mind of what to do?" She asked me, I was too distracted by her shirt. She stopped and looked at me, followed my eyes than blushed. "Yong," She shouted covering herself up, I started laughing. Sitting up I smiled.

"Don't cover yourself up Aliana. Your the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." I wold her, she blushed even more and looked down. I leaned forward and kissed her cheek. "At least don't cover yourself up around me but don't show any other guy your body. Your all mine." I said, pushing her down onto the bed and pinning her arms above her head.

"Yong, what are you doing?" She was blushing and looking away, I couldn't help myself but kiss her cheeks again.

I started kissing her lips then moving down to her neck and collarbone. I could tell she was holding back on moaning but I finally got her when I found her sweet spot. Hearing her moan only made me want her more. I started to unbutton her shirt and look down at her bare chest, she was the best, absolutely perfect. I began kissing her chest, hearing her moans only made me kiss her harder. My hands removed themselves from hers and started touching her breasts. Her hands move to my hair and my shoulder. She was moaning a little louder now, gripping my hair tight that made me groan. I looked up at her to see she was deep red and was breathing heavily. I crawled back up to her face, looking down at her. I kissed her with a little bit of force, I wanted to taste every part of her. She tasted so sweet, so good, so perfect. I was about to undress her more when a knock came at our door.

"Hey, Yong it's time for breakfast so you and Aliana need to get up." It was Zelo on the other side. I groaned pulling myself up from her as she was blushing even harder.

"I thought he was going to come in," She whispered. I smiled and leaned closer to her.

"If he had, he wouldn't have seen a single part of you," I told her, she smiled and we both started laughing. We got up and dress, heading out and down the stairs. Everyone was eating when we came in, they all smiled. "What? We didn't do anything." I told them then smiled. "Well she did taste good," I said kissing her lips again, Him choked on his coffee. Everyone laughed, I took a seat, pulling Aliana onto my lap. She blushed but relaxed as we both started eating it was a peaceful morning but the guys got quickly bored and wanted to do something.

"If you guys are that bored than we can go to the Villa Spring," Ailana said getting everyone's attention.

"What is that?" Dae asked her.

"It's an indoor hot spring. My Aunt runs it so we can go if you guys are that bored." She said I pulled her closer to me.

"Maybe we can continue where we left off earlier," I whispered to her, she was turning red again.

"I'm in, let's go!" Young shouted, we all agreed and left the hotel.

Aliana drove while everyone was listening to music. I watched her from the passenger seat, she was calm for a girl who's going to save the world. I smiled while watching the sunlight light up her hair. Soon we arrived at the Springs and got out, a young woman was standing outside. She smiled when she saw Aliana, that must her aunt. We were shown inside and two separate rooms, we changed our clothes into robs. We walked out into a real indoor spring, it was steamy and warm. While looking around for Aliana we all froze when we heard giggling. Right in front of us were a group of girls naked sitting in the water.

"Hello guys," Aliana said behind us, we turned around to see her wearing a short robe. It was showing off her long legs and beautiful skin. Reading our faces she laughed. "Oh did I forget to tell you that this is Joint Spring. Both male and female relax in the spring together without separating each other. So we're going in the spring together." She said smiling like there was nothing wrong. She walked passed us and took my hand. "Don't tell me that your disappointment that we won't be alone," she said looking down. I pulled her close.

"No I'm not but I found it weird that we are going to be bathing with other girls and your cool with it," I said without thinking. Her eyes widened when she thought about it, she walked away from me.

"Well, we should get in because it'll seem rude if we don't." Him whispered to me as those girls were looking at us. I looked back and nodded my head. They walked over and got in the water, the girls started crowding around them. I stayed away from the water and sat on the bench near the entrance. I was wondering where she was when her aunt came for me.

"Come, my niece wants you to go into our private spring for newlyweds couples. She's waiting." She said I followed her where she stopped in front of a door. "Have fun," she said winking while walking away. I opened the door and walked in, it was hard to see but I just stepped forward until I heard someone's voice.

"Well I hope you don't fall in," I heard Aliana's voice but it was so foggy that I couldn't see her. I stopped when I felt someone's hand sneak around my waist. "Ready to have some fun," She whispered while coming in front of me, she was completely naked. I actually looked away from her as she slowly gets into the water. "Come on Yong, it feels so warm," She said I slowly follow her into the water, not even noticing that my rob was coming off. I step closer to her, slowly turning her around and pulling her into my arms. "Take me," She whispered and we started kissing. Something felt different, she was more aggressive about kissing me like she wanted more. As we kissed I felt myself drift into darkness and when she pulled back looking behind me. I looked back to find Aliana standing there looking at me in horror, I look back in confusion to find Zola in front of me and not Aliana. "I'll give you this, you're an amazing kisser," She said and everything went black.

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