3. Search of a Cure

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~Dae POV~

The next morning we left without telling anyone, well Zelo left a note saying that we were leaving to go somewhere. We ride around using the GPS u till we found the place. It was in the west side of the city, it was one strange looking place. It was a small building with vines growing everywhere and small animals running around. It looked abandoned from the outside but we went in any way, we didn't have a choice. When we walked in, it was bigger from the in then out. Plants, books, statues, and sounds of animals running around were everywhere. We looked around, Yong was looking at something then he rang a small bell. The sound echoed throughout the place, the animals ran off in fear. Seconds later this young woman came in with a snake around her neck. She was definitely not what we expected to find as Madam Snake that Zola told us about. She had semi-short blue hair that the snake slowly moved around in.

"Welcome to Madam S. Shop. What can she do for," she stopped when she looked at Yong. "Oh my." Was all she said before having us come over and sit at her table. "Well let's see what we have here." She said inspecting Yong's hand, in the end she smiled. "That's nothing bad." She said, I was confused.

"What, a girl we met said some witch had put a spell on him and you're saying nothing's bad." Him said, something was off about him.

"Yes there's nothing really bad about it so far. I say that the one who did this meant you no harm but she was probably protecting you from a dark force." She said standing up. "How long have you had that?" She asked walking over to a shelf.

"Got it last night I guess. That's when the girl said I had it." Yong explained to her, she hummed. Pulling out a book, walked back over and taking a seat.

"Well there's a simple way of removing if you really too." She said flipping through the book. "Find the witch that placed it and ask her." She said smiling.

"What good will that do?" Zelo asked her. "She's the one that put it there so I doubt that she'll just remove it just by him asking." He said we agreed.

"Like I said before. She was probably protecting you from something. Who did you met last night?" She asked.

"Well I met this white haired girl and she was absolutely beautiful and perfect. I didn't get her name but I won't forget her eyes." Yong went into dreamland thinking of her. He's hopeless right now.

"While he met her, we met another girl. She was the one who told us about the spell." I said, the woman nodded her head and frowned.

"Stay away from her. From the one you met," she said pointing at me. "She's dangerous and deadly like a fox looking for her next man to con." She said standing up putting the book on a stand. "Well that's all I can do for you so have a good day." She said grabbing some jars. We stood up and started to leave but she stopped Yong to talk to him. We waited in the car.

~Yong POV~

The blue haired woman asked some to stay for a few seconds so she could tell me something.

"If you want to find the one who put that spell on you then follow your ears. You'll understand soon." She said before going back to her book. I walked out wondering what she meant. I got in the car and the guys asked me.

"So what did she want to say?" Jong asked me, I shrugged my shoulders.

"She said that if I wanted to find the witch, I should just follow my ears. Saying that I'll hear something." I said, hearing me say it only make us all more confused.

We began to drive going back to the hotel, knowing our manager would be mad about us disappearing. And I was right he was mad but while he was talking I couldn't stop thinking about what Madam Snake said to me. "To find her, follow your ears." What does that even mean, an I gonna hear her voice in my head or something? Then my mind what to her, her white hair, gorgeous eyes, and soft skin. Being so close to her was absolutely incredible like I had found my soul mate. I couldn't stop thinking of her and every feature about her. In that time we began practicing again, it was boring but it couldn't be helped. While practice went on I slowly grow tired, then dizzy. I had to sit down for a while, in the lounge I started to hear something. Or someone. I sat up and looked around, finding a speaker. The voice was in the studio, I followed it and soon found the source. These two men were fixing something because a cd wouldn't come out and kept on replaying the same song. It was her voice, in starting to remember it, remember her. Then I heard it outside so I followed it, running through the streets like the police were chasing me. I ran into the woods while the voice grew louder, I came to a stop when I found white hair flowing in the wind. I watched her before coming out of the tree line, she slowly turned around and that's when it happened. A pulse shook my body and I fell to the ground. I remember someone shouting my name before I blacked out.

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