4. Finding A Beautiful Creature

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~Jong POV~

While we were practicing, Yong had to sit out for a bit. He wasn't feeling too good, maybe talking to that lady wasn't a good idea. Twenty minutes later someone came in saying that Yong suddenly rushed out the building. We went out looking for him but couldn't find him anywhere, everyone grew worried about him. Zelo said that he might have gone back to Snake's place but we couldn't leave again. They'll all freak, we'll have to trust Yong for now. I hope he is okay.

~Yong POV~

Where am I? Why do I feel so warm and fuzzy? What's on my lips? My eyes slowly began to open, they widened instantly when I saw what was right above me. I saw white hair with her eyes closed and her lips on mine. I slowly melted into the kiss, that's when she pulled back.

"Feeling better now?" She asked me with her black lips curling into a smile.

"Yes, thank you." My voice was shaking from missing her tender lips. She leaned forward closing the gap even more, she was looking straight into my eyes.

"Good. Do you think you can try to move?" She asked and I nodded. Slowly sitting up and now getting the chance to look around. I was in some kind of room with plants everywhere, I saw books and jars. I laid my legs over the table I was laying on, she was right there and I froze as she started doing a check up on me. "Any discomfort or dizziness?" She asked, I shook my head and that make her smile. "Great so the spell had a great effect on you." She said walking over to a book and writing. 

"So what did you put on me?" I asked her, she looked back and smiled.

"I was protecting you for the darkness that was following your friend." She said, I went silent. "Don't worry I haven't been able to sense any darkness since I left you at the party. So what did you tell your friends?" She asked taking a seat in front of me. Doing another check up where she looked inside my mouth, I couldn't speak. She removed her hands.

"What do you mean by that? What I told my friends?" I asked her, she looked away.

"About our little event after we left your friends at the party." She spoke in a lay voice the in a burst all my memories came back. 

"Oh that." I said blushing, I remember what we almost did. 


At the party, on the dance floor we danced against each other. Her skin was smooth and soft, my hands ran over her body. The scent of her hair flowed around me, like I was in a trance with her just being near me. The longer I was with her, the closer I got. Until she pulled away, I frowned and instantly went looking for her. I found myself in another room with the same girl by the window. Her white hair glowed in the light, I got closer and pulled her into my arms. Brushing her hair back as I slowly leaned forward and kissed her lips. This feeling overcame me, I pushed her against the wall. My hands roughed gripped her body like I was marking my property, her moans made me hunger her more. I nearly ripped off her shirt if she didn't pull back. I started to hear her sing, I began feeling dizzy as I was covered in glowing light

"Moonlight, protect this life. 

I the Witch ask this of thee.

Hear my plea and protect thee."

When she was done, I looked around to find that I was alone. I walked out the room, not knowing what I was there. I walked out to find my friends talking to some girl but something wasn't right about her, especially when she touched my hand. Seeing her pull back quickly really got me thinking. 

After remembering everything, I looked at her. She was looking at me with sad eyes. Remembering what we almost did in that room must still be on her mind and now it's on mine.

"I'm sorry if I hurt you last night." I said, she looked at me in shock.

"You didn't hurt me." She softly said.

"Then why put the spell on me?" I asked, I had to know.

"Because I could feel the darkness with your friends. I knew you would be going back to them so I had to make sure that you were protected from it. I didn't want you to go under its dark spell." She explained turning her back to me and looking through another book. That's when I saw it, these scars on her back. Like she was whipped, her back was covered in scars. I stood up and touched her back, that made her jumped and shiver.

"What happened to you?" I asked her, she didn't look at me. 

"My father did this to me. Long ago when people first thought witchcraft is the devils' work." She said walking away from me

"I'm Yong by the way." I said softly she stopped.

"I'm Ailana," She said before leaving the room.

I didn't follow because when she moved, I saw my picture. I touched it, lifting it from the bowl it sat in. Was she really trying to protect me, I looked over to find a picture of all my friends. It was small getting covered in this black dust. I touched it but quickly pulled my hand back, it felt like it had burned my fingers. I walked out the room to try and find her, to ask her about it. I found her outside talking to someone in a black cloak. I waited inside for her to come back, when she did and seeing me she almost looked scared of me knowing something. 

"Do I want to know who that was?" I asked her, she shook her head.

"You'll find out but not now. I need to feed you." She said with a smile, walking past me while I had a confused look on my face. "Well come on. You've been out for three days." She said and now I was freaking out.

"Three days?! I was asleep for three days. Damnit I have to go back or everyone's going to go crazy." I said running around, she started to laugh.

"Relax, it took longer for you to wake up so I had to keep you here. Don't worry about them, they'll be here soon." She said grabbing a plate and putting fresh, hot food on it. "Take a seat and eat. They'll be joining us for dinner." She said, calming me down a little but inside I was still freaking out. I sat down and started to eat, she was a really good cook. She started placing other plates around me, were they really coming here?

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