8. Truth Revealed

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~Ailana POV~

It was Zola and she was as bitchy as she has ever been. She really hasn't changed and judging from her actions with Him, she is the dark force I've been feeling around these boys. Damn she's targeting them because of me.

"Helloooo everyone. I have returned!" Zola called out making fireworks go off. Everyone was gasping in shock and confusion. Many of them thought she had died long along, so did I until I felt her near these guys. She's placed a spell on Him, I couldn't sense it before because she wasn't near but now I definitely can. 

"Why are you here Zola, you are not welcomed here." My mother said stepping closer to her. My brother and uncle by her side. "Leave this celebration now!" Mother's words echoed throughout the land. Everyone was ready to jump in and kill her. I was too but I had to protect Yong and judging by the way he's looking at Him, his life is of no importance. 

"Yong stand behind me." I whispered to him, he slowly moved back. Him was still at her feet, mother could tell that this boy was special to me so she would have to be careful not to let anything happen to him.

"What do you want?" Uncle asked ready to strike.

"Well I'm here to tell the truth." She said innocently, like anyone gonna believes that. "I'm here to tell a certain boy that a certain witch has done more than put a spell on him. He is marked by her and that means, he'll be her mate." She said smiling at me, all the boys looked in our direction. Knowing that only Yong has a spell on him, they looked at me.

"What are you wanting to gain by speaking these words? Are you still trying to be stronger then me?" I asked her knowing it was going to piss her off.

"Shut up you ass! Everywhere I went to it was the same thing. Oh look at Ailana, look how amazing she is. Every day is the same damn thing about how awesome you ware. Even my own mother thought that! Do you know how enraging that is!!" She was getting mad, Him was being forced to the ground in pain. I held back Yong from going any closer to them. Yong wanted to save his brother but I was in his way.

"Enough of this Zola. Let Him go, he has nothing to do with us." I was now trying to set him free. Zola could see what I was wanting to do, she smiled.

"Okay." SHe said waved her hand over Him's body, he slowly sat up, blinking.

"Him come over here." Yong say, Him slowly backed away from Zola while she blows him kisses.  

"What's going on?" Him asked Yong, Yong just hugged him. Whispering 'you're safe.'

"So what happens now, I go back intot he shadows right?" She asked me, I nodded. "Well I might as well say it now. "Yong honey," She said getting Yong's attention. "Ailana is in love with you and she's mark you as hers." She said before disappearing. I could feel Yong's eyes on me, his and everyone elses.

"What have you done Ailana?" Mother asked me as she came over, checking Yong's hand. "You have marked him, why did you do this?" She asked me, I looked away from them all. Alan came between us, Yong and his brothers were moved to the car where they were taken to their hotel. He is going to hate me know.

~Yong POV~

We were taken back to the hotel without answers, as soon as we got back Him started asking us questions. Wondering what was happening because he was under Zola's control, he had no idea what was happening around him. The others tried to explain everything to him, I was over at the window looking out thinking of what Zola said. Everything was going crazy, even worse when Jong shouted.

"What the hell?!" He shouted, making me turn around. 

"What do you want?" I asked her.

"I came to explain everything to all of you." Ailana said, she came from a puff of smoke but she also looked like a white fox. Now her white hair was hanging in front of her face.

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