7. A Party for the Wild Ones

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~Yong POV~

On our way to the party, I was trying so hard not to show that I was overly happy with the fact that Ailana was sitting on my lap. She was looking and touching my new ears, every time she did I could feel it like they were apart of me. It was only when she touched my tail that I knew. She had really made these costumes really apart of us. These ears and tail were apart of my body and now my tail is moving as Ailana leans against me.

"Careful or they'll notice your excitement." She whispered to me, I blushed and tried but failed. She smiled, giggled then out of revenge I touched her tail. She became stiff, that's when I knew her tail was also apart of her and knowing that made us both blush. I let go of her tail and stared out the window. I could feel her relax a little.

When we got to the place, everyone was amazed. The place was huge, in the woods around three big bond fires. Pumpkins everywhere, ghouls and monsters walked around and talked to people. No one looked human to me. I was careful not to let her fall off my lap when we all were getting out but something happened and we both fall out. We landed on the ground with Ailana under me, when I leaned back I saw her soft pale breast. Her hat was off and the ears were out, everything inside of me wanted to grab her and make her mine but someone pulled me out of that. Someone pulled me off of her right off he ground, I was lifted up to find a large guy in another fox costume.

"Brother, it's okay. He meant no harm." Ailana said grabbing her hat and standing up.

"This is your brother?" I asked her, she nodded with a smile.

"This is my little brother Alan." She said touching his arm. "It's okay really Al, he meant no harm. In fact he is my guest." She said with a stern voice, he slowly put me on the ground. "Thank you Al, I live your costume. Mother did really well with this one." She said, he smiled.

"Yeah she said you'd like it." He said with a smile.

"Is she here yet or no?" She asked him, he nodded his head.

"Yeah she's with Grandma Venus right now talking about grandbabies." He said, they both looked nervous. "So who are they?" He asked looking at all of us.

"Oh, this is Yong the Wolfman. Dae is the pirate, Zelo the wizard, Jong is a mighty king, Him the ninja and Young became Jason for the party. These are my human friends." She said with a smile. Taking her hat and placing it on her brother, he giggled picking her up.

"Well any friend of my big sis is always welcomed to our family," He said with a smile. "So come on and let's party." He said carrying her away, we followed them. 

The party was actually the best we've ever been to, people were dancing and singing. I saw Zelo was playing with these young kids, Jong was swinging his sword around with some guys, Young the ninja was trying to be a ninja with some real ninjas and Him was looking lonely but he was talking to some girls with a smile. As for me, I was off in a corner away watching Ailana. She was with her brother and some women but she was smiling so I'm all good. I looked up at the night sky, the moon shined brighter here than anywhere in the world. 

"It's beautiful as her." I whispered without knowing someone was right next to me.

"I hope I don't know this "her"." I opened my eyes to find Ailana was right her. "If I know her, then I can't say that I wont hurt her." She said looking up, I smiled.

"I don't think you can hurt her, she's really strong and powerful. A true beauty of her kind." I said with a sly smile. She looked down in fear.

"What who is she?!" She was ready to kill something. I smiled and started laughing she was deep red. Then she too laugh, handing me a drink. "It's soda." She said, I smiled and took it.  We sat there and talked about things, family and life. I was having fun with her, she makes me laugh and smile. I only wish I could tell her how I feel but I'm afraid. Thinking of her close to me was making my tail shake. "What are you thinking about?" She whispered to me, she was so close to me I was about to pass out.

"What do you mean?" I asked her looking down.

"You're getting very excited, your tail is giving you away." She said, I was about to die.

I um," I couldn't answer her and I wasn't going to have too. A loud sound echoed throughout catching everyone's attention. "What's happening?" I asked her, she was shocked then furious. 

"This bitch." She said walking over to the origin of the sound, I followed close behind her. When we got closer I saw Him, he was on his knees at someone's feet and I don't like her. 

"Hello Ailana and the guys of BAP." It was Zola and she had a sick smile on her face. Him was on his hands and knees bowing her her, she has him trapped. 

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