12. Taking Yong

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~Aliana POV~

I slowly started to wake up from someone coming up behind me and whacking me in the back of my head. I stumbled out of the changing room and followed my demons, they said that something was off. I walked into the private string to find the most horrific thing I'd ever seen. My Yong, my boyfriend was kissing that bitch, Zola!!! WHAT!!!!!!😨😖👿 I was so confused by seeing this, Yong looked back at me in shock then at Zola.

"I'll say this, you're an amazing kisser." She said before hugging Yong, I ran forward trying to get to Yong but a black cloud of smoke engulfed the room. When it cleaned, Yong and Zola were gone. I was breathing heavily my powers were growing.

"FUCK!!!!!!!!!!" My voice cried out as my power was becoming a vortex around my body. The guys came running and when they opened the door they were shocked by seeing me like this. I calmed down and slowly I was coming back to the ground, I sat on my knees. My aunt came over and kneeled next to me. "Zola took Yong, we have to get him back and soon," I said standing up looking at the last place where Yong stood. Hang on Yong, I'm coming. I turned around when I did my clothes were different, I looked at the guys.

"Stay here where it's safe. I'm going to find him with my demons." I said walking away from them, I walked out heading away from the spring. I reached a small shrine in the forest, I sat in front of it and took a breath. My hair started flowing and glow, my power was slowly climbing.

"Demons of my soul, here my plea. Find the Hand that holds my heart. Show me where the Hand is," I called out and opened my eyes. I was traveling through the forest and across the ocean to England. She was going to Wiltshire, West Kennet longbarrow the site for the ancient Neolithic tombs. I pulled back into my body and took a breath."Thank you, my demons. I shall need your help to defeat her demon so please stay by my side." I asked this of them, they all agreed to help. I stood up paid my respects to the shrine. I walked towards the edge of the forest till I reached an opening, opening my arms as I began casting a spell on myself.

"Bring me to the Hand of my Heart!" I chanted and everything around me began to glow. A sphere enclosed my body and one moment I was in a forest, the next I was in an open field. I looked ahead to see some torches and an altar. I frowned as I walked closer my clothes changed once more.

"Let the fight begin you bitch," I said walking towards the altar

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"Let the fight begin you bitch," I said walking towards the altar.

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