Bonus Chapter #1

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~Yong POV~ 

It has been a few months after our wedding when I first started to notice that Aliana was acting strangely. She was coming home late, she wouldn't tell me anything about where she was or if something was happening. She just didn't talk to me anymore, a little more strange was the fact that the guys were hanging out with her more. Especially Him, he seemed to be very close to her while I was growing distant. I know that Aliana loves me and would do anything for me, I would do the same but something was definitely going on. So one day out of curiosity I followed her. While stalking my wife I found her going to different stores. Flower shops, food stores, and clothing stores. She was buying stuff but she went somewhere that really caught my attention. She went into a store that was named Naughty and Nice, it was a real revealing store. She bought something there and walked to her car, driving to a cafe. She got out and took a seat smiling at the waitress. She waited until I saw Him show up and she hugged him, I clenched the steering wheel. They sat there for a good forty minutes until the hugged again and went their separate ways. I followed Aliana as she didn't go home but to a hotel, she took the stuff she bought at the Naughty and Nice store inside than came out with nothing. I was getting madder from just watching her, I want to know what she's doing. I went home after that and waited for her, this time she came home earlier than the last month. She greeted me with a kiss on the cheek then went into our room. I couldn't take it anymore. I went into our room and almost busted down the door. She jumped and turned to me.

"Are you okay Yong?" She asked me, I clenched my fists.

"Are you cheating on me?!" I asked her, she froze in shock. 

"What? What are you talking about?" She asked I was furious at her.

"Are you cheating on me with HIM??!! You come on late now, you barely talk to me and you're going to all those stores. Are you having an affair with Him?" I asked her again. She was looking down and clenching her fists.

"You dumbass!!" She shouted now I was shocked. "Do you honestly think me, the woman who literally died for you would ever even consider cheating on you! With Him no less, he is like a brother to me, they all are! So to prove to you that I'm not cheating on you, come on," She grabbed my hand dragging me out of the house. She dragged me for about a block until we reached the park, I was confused until I saw lights in the trees. We stopped and right in front of me was all my friends and family.

"Happy Birthday!!" They all shouted I was even more confused. 

"Did you forget that today was your birthday?" My mother said coming over and kissing my face. I was shocked, I took out my phone and checked the date. It really was my birthday, I facepalmed myself.

"This is what I've been doing," Aliana said standing behind me. "I wanted to give you a big party but I didn't know of the birthday things you'd like so I was asking everyone. Him was the closest to you so he was telling me things, I met with him to discuss and I wanted to add a magic touch to this place so needed to pick up a lot of things for many stores but I couldn't let you see them, so I brought them to a friends house. I'm sorry for not telling you but I wanted it to be a surprise. So Happy Birthday," She explained everything and held out a box. I took it and just looked at it, I put it on the table and pulled her into a kiss. 

"I'm so sorry about what I said. I'm sorry," I whispered to her hugged her. She hugged me back and kissed my cheek.

"It's okay if you'd done this for me then I might have acted the same thing." She said smiling, pulling me over to the table where the cake was waiting. "Now, let's begin." She said holding her hand over the cake lighting all the candles. Everyone started singing and I blew them out then I got a face full of cake from Aliana. Everyone was laughing and enjoying themselves. When Aliana and I were alone I just remember something.

"Wait if you were playing a party for me then why did you go to that hotel?" I asked her, she started to turn red. 

"That was my secret surprise to you." She whispered then I knew what she meant. I pulled her closer to kiss her neck.

"I can't wait for that present," I whispered, she blushed and smiled.

"Never again think I'm cheating on you, you're my mate and the only man I'll ever be with." SHe said I smiled and hugged her looking up. 

"I'll think that way again," I told her as we snuggled close. That night was very interesting after the party and the hotel. 

Thank you everyone for read my story, you guys ROCK!!!

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