13. Vessel of the Demon

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~Aliana POV~ 

As I got closer I could feel, even see the dark power flowing in one area. I knew what she was trying to do, she wanted to get rid of her demon so she was going to out him in Yong's body. That's what most demons want, to have their own but to do that they need the help of a witch but since Zola's demon was already inside of her she wasn't really given much of a choice but to get him a body. Now she's using my boyfriend as a vessel and that didn't sit well with me so here I am to get my man back and save the world. I walked closer making my presence known to Zola who was chanting, she stopped and looked at me. 

"Hello Aliana, my old friend now my enemy." She said standing between me and my man. 

"Give you Yong right now and I might let you keep your soul," I said smiling, she started laughing. So much that it was pissing me off.

"This is a special place, even I who is weaker then you can't hold you back but I won't need to because this is a powerful place for demons!" She said releasing her demon, I never knew she had it in her. "I also won't be allowing you to come near so, boys!" She called out and out came the wolves. I knew that they were near so now I was surrounded. I started laughing.

"Zola, you've always been weak. Needing others to fight your battles instead of doing it yourself. Taking the wolves from their families is only something a pathetic bitch like you would do, so I'm going to make this quick," I said as my power started flowing around me. "You say this is a powerful place for demons! Then I'll release mine!!" I shouted and out they came.

 "You say this is a powerful place for demons! Then I'll release mine!!" I shouted and out they came

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Demons were flying around me, some standing with me. Zola backed away a bit at the sight of so many. I watched her with a smile on my face, having all my demons outside of my body made me feel super light and a little sick, it's been years feeling like this. My demons started attacking the wolves but not killing them, some stayed with me as we approached Zola and Yong. Zola started chanting again as a barrier was keeping me out or it was trying. One demon rammed it's head into it, slightly cracking it. It wouldn't be long now before I get Yong back, I plan on kissing his lips for hours to get that hoes taste off of him. We were almost in when it happened, a large burst of dark magic sent us all back.

"Yes, it's done!" Zola cheered in excitement. I was shocked as I saw Yong's body glowing in dark magic, the demon was entering his body.

"NO!" I shouted running towards them but it was too late. It was complete. 

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