14. Aliana's Rage

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~Aliana POV~

The demon was in his body now so I couldn't use force against it. But it wasn't complete, Yong was fighting it from the inside, that's my man. I started fighting Zola, she wasn't putting up a hard fight. With her demon gone she power has definitely decreased. So All I had to do was punch her in the face for her to get out of my face. I walked closer to where Yong's body laid, I was standing next to him, I lightly touched his face. Hang on Yong, you'll be safe soon. I was about to push the demon out so I could kill it if Zola had come up and grabbed my hair, throwing me back. I rolled on the ground and watched her as she attempted to release the rest of her magical power. 

"I won't let you! Damnit, I am better. I am stronger and I'll be the one to kill you! Everyone loved you, why?! Why you and not ME!! I am pretty so why should anyone fight for you??!!!" She was going crazy now. I slowly started to stand up from where I was. She shot a force of power at me and it forced me to the ground again. I kept on getting up. "WHY DO YOU CONTINUE TO FIGHT!!"

"That is what you'll never understand anything living creatures. We live and fight for what we love. You are trying to take away from me the man I love. I will not allow that. I will show you what happens when you PISS ME OFF!!!" Now with the combined powers of all my demons, my power was 200 times stronger than before. Zola was frightened, a bright light started glowing around us all as I released my power. "Are you ready? Cause I'm gonna kill a BITCH!!!!" I shouted and shot magic at them both, pushing the demon from Yong's body and killing him. Zola vanished with him. It was finally over, Yong and everyone would be safe. At least they can live happily now.

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