19. Happily Ever After

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~Yong POV~

It has been a  month since Aliana released her demons, she was a different girl. She was happier, smiling more and laughing. She said that her body was lighter from getting rid of that extra weight, it's been a month and every day she was with me. We never left each other side, every morning I woke up to the sight of her beauty. I would kiss her head to wake her up, she would always pretend to continue to sleep as she snuggled closer to me. We would spend our days together, Aliana stopped going to the meetings and assigned her brother to take her place. He was pretty good at it and seemed to enjoy it. So in all this time, something has been on my mind, I am jealous of seeing other guys talking to her. I knew they were just friends with her and I'm okay with that but it still messed with me. But that didn't last long.

"You got this man," Zelo said as he fixed my tie.

"But what if I fail?" I asked my brothers as they all were in the room fixing themselves for the event of the century. My WEDDING.

"Relax Yong you won't fail. She's been waiting for this for quite some time." Alan said as he came in wearing a black tux. "And if you do, you won't have to worry about us. But her, she might turn you into something," He said giggling a bit. Thinking of Aliana turning me into a frog wasn't something I wanted to think about. I signed and looked over at him.

"Have you seen her yet?" I asked him, he smiled.

"My big sister is the beautiful creature anyone will ever see. She is truly a goddess." He was going fangirl about his sister, I smiled. A knock came as Aliana's mother came in, she wore a light blue dress. She looked at me while holding a box in her arms.

"You're looking handsome but there is something missing," She said coming over to me and opening the box. It was a wolf pin with jewels in it. "Aliana's father wore this on our wedding day, I wanted to know if you could wear it so he can be here to see his baby girl marry the man of her dreams." She said I smiled and bowed my head.

"I would be honored," I said, she smiled and she pinned it on me. Looking at it to make sure it was straight.

"Damen would have been proud to give his daughter's hand to you Yong. Thank you for making our Aliana truly happy." She said I bowed my head once more. She was about to cry but held them back. "Alright everyone come on, let's light this candle." She said smiling we all followed her. I stood in front of the doors and entered, everyone looked really good and had smiles on their faces. I got to my place and turned around as the music started playing. In she came.

Aliana entered the room as the music played, with her father gone she walked by herself but she was still smiling behind her veil. She walked down the aisle until she reached me, holding out my hand to her she smiled and placed her hand on mine. When the priest was reaching the end and he said "Any last words?" everyone was making sure that no one spoken against our marriage. When he said kiss the bride I lifted her veil and kissed her hard, everyone was cheering and clapping. We pulled back, that's when she noticed the pin.

"Daddy's wolf pin." She softly touched it. "That's why I felt daddy walking next to me." She said smiling, I pulled her close and kissed her head.

"Your mom suggested it," I whispered to her, she smiled and we walked down the aisle to greet our family throwing roses over us. "Come and let's begin our life," I said to her she nodded and we both ran out the church and to our honeymoon.

 "Come and let's begin our life," I said to her she nodded and we both ran out the church and to our honeymoon

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All done everyone. I'm working on two bonus chapters so those will come soon.

Alright everyone. I'm going to do another KPOP story. This time with BTS!!!💜💜 I'm going to do Rap Monster!! I love his voice it's amazing. So be ready for the new book.
A Sweet Taste

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