10. We'll Have To Fight

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~Yong POV~

Ailana came in, changing her form from Fox into the beautiful woman that I love. Her long white hair reached past her feet. She was a goddess in the mortal world. While she stood there I was overcome with joy that I ran over to her and hugged her. She smiled and held onto me tightly.

"I missed you so much," I whispered to her. She pulled back placing her forehead on mine.

"As have I Yong, as have I." She said smiling sweetly. We pulled away and everyone gathered close to her.

"Aliana it's been a while," Dae said taking her hand

"We've all missed you,"

"Glad to see you're okay," Him said smiling, we all were smiling.

"Well, of course, I'm okay, it takes a lot to kill me." She said smiling then her thoughts jumped back to Zola and her threat. "Saying that I heard what Zola said. Don't worry about anything, I'll keep everyone safe. I have a plan but it's not pretty. For me, that is," She said moving towards the window. I moved closer to her and hugged her from behind.

"What do you mean?" I asked her, she didn't look at me.

"We'll have to fight her. Head on but that's our problem. She's been taking wolves and placing them under the control of her demon master. So we'll have to free them but we'll also have to get pass Zola and her army of slaves so I don't know how we'll manage." She said everyone could feel the tension in the room. Now we know the plan, knowing that lives will be lost. I was against it but I couldn't say a thing. I knew my words won't change what she's going to do but I can do something for her.

"Let us help you," I said making her gasp and look at me. "Let us help," I repeated and she was shocked but all the guys were in on helping her. She signed and smiled.

"How could I be so lucky to have gone to that party." She said smiling, I smiled and hugged her.

"We'll all have your back in this fight," I whispered, she smiled and snuggled into my shirt.

"I've really missed you. I'm sorry that I haven't called or visited but Zola has been making trouble for everyone and mother wanted me to be around as a symbol of power. But I have some time before the fight that I'm using to spend time with you and the guys." She said smiling but I couldn't see the pain behind it. I smiled anyway.

"Well let's not waste the time," I said picking her up she squealed with excitement.

I held her close and kissed her, she slowly melted into the kiss. My lips wanted more of her, she tasted so good. We pulled away to see all the guys holding in their laughter. They started laughing so did we, I held her close to me.

No matter what happens I'll protect her. She is the light of my world and I will never let her go.

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