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It was 5 a.m. and I was running around Serenity like a chicken with my head cut off, for me and a fairly large group of family and friends was going to be heading on a plane to a tropical paradise for three luxurious weeks for my engagement celebration. Thats right folks The Mindfreak finally scored and was now engaged to the most beautiful girl ever, not that beauty was my #1 item of importance, she had the biggest heart ever and loved and supported everything I did. Her name was Kyrie Cobretti, but I liked to call her Kc for short that or Bess, she was about 5'5" in height, and weighed around 140 lbs she was extremely voluptuous, with excellent muscle tone. Her hair was medium length, wavy and as black and shiny as a raven's wing. Her eyes were like bright emeralds and she just had her 23rd birthday right before our engagement.

I had several suitcases laying on the bed but only one of them was loaded, but it wasn't mine, Kc had everything she needed neatly packed in one medium-sized suitcase. Most of the time it would be the woman that was picky about what to take on a trip, but not this time. This time it was me, I was so unorganized and quite the nervous wreck, because I knew after the second week of the vacation, would me mine and Kc's wedding day. I thought it was a little too slow, but she said she wanted to get married in a tropical paradise with the beauty all around us. So naturally what my Sweet Bess wanted I was damned sure going to give it to her. Her parents, my mom, Lynn, and young Dimi was already there in paradise, patiently waiting for me and my group of friends to make it there so we could really celebrate.

Costa and Jd were downstairs tapping their feet at the bottom of the stairs telling me to hurry up so they could load the luggage in the cab. Then added rather proudly that their luggage was already loaded. I slid Kc's bag down the stairs then two of mine followed right behind it. But the third bag was still empty on the bed because it was for all the fun personal stuff I was bringing for after our wedding. Plus it was going to obtain our wedding apparel that we decided on wearing. Kc came out of the bathroom and kissed my neck and asked me if I was ready to head out to the airport yet because my brothers were getting very antsy downstairs. I chuckled lightly as I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her lips delicately and said that Jd was the king worrywart and if he wasn't worrying about one thing or another he wouldn't know what to do with himself.

I showed her the final bag and asked her if there was anything else she needed to pack in the bag before he locked it up and had it loaded. Kc looked in the bag and when she saw kinky lingerie and fuzzy handcuffs she blushed and said she didn't know about me, but there was no way in hell I was going to get her in any of that! I looked down at her and giggled sheepishly and told her that she was mistaken because that wasn't for her to wear, it was for me to wear. Kc spun around a little too quickly and slightly caught me on the nose as she said she didn't think it was quite my color, or the right size, that in order for that to fit me it would need to be an extra large to fit my extremely muscular bust in it. I loved how she followed my silly sense of humor and added to it, she always made me laugh. I lifted her up and spun her in a circle as I told her how madly, insanely, and ridiculously in love with her I was!

Costa came up behind us both and asked if she and I were done packing yet, because the cabbie was getting really irritated by the long wait, and still we weren't all the way packed yet. My Bess slid down and kissed Costa on the nose and told him that we just finished up and that we were now all ready to head out. I ran around both of them with the final suitcase and told them to hurry up because we were wasting daylight. Costa chuckled as he asked Kyrie if she knew what she was getting herself into by marrying my crazy ass. She gave him a big squeeze and said she wouldn't have it any other way. Then she raced him down the stairs, and once she was all the way down lacking only three stairs she saw me and took a wild leap and landed on my back as she told me to carry her. But I was used to her doing that it was natural anymore, besides she was practically weightless to me.

I walked out with Kc on my back and asked if everyone else that was going was at the airport already, or if we were supposed to pick them up in our taxi to join us. Jd came out as he was putting his phone in his pocket and said that it seems that we were the only ones that weren't at the airport because that was Sully that just got off the phone with him telling us to shake our tail-feathers or else the plane was going to leave without us. Costa and Jd hopped in on the left side of the cab, and I slid in the cab first then pulled Kc on my lap, as I asked Jd if he locked my house up before coming out. Jd was again on the phone, but he managed to shake his head yes at me along with a hearty thumbs up he gave me. So I shut the door and told the driver to take us to the airport and to make it snappy because we didn't want the plane to leave without us.

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