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It was now beginning to get dark again, and we were more lost now than we were before since we had that run-in with that bear. Zoey jumped up and said we needed to get back to the plane wreckage, so when the search team came hunting for us they would find them. Klayton looked at her and said nobody was coming for us, and the only thing we had to go on was our own brains and survival skills. Mark walked over to me and asked if the plane had some kind of GPS tracker in it. I looked into the smoldering flames of our little campfire and said it did have, but when we wrecked, it took out everything beyond use.

We were all getting ready to snuggle down in our makeshift pallets around the fire when out of nowhere a gust of what felt like an arctic wind came down on us with a vengeance that was followed by distant but rolling thunder. I looked over at my family and friends and asked pathetically if anything else was going to work against us this evening. I slowly staggered to my feet and said we needed to find a more substantial shelter because not only were we going to get drenched very soon, but it sounded like a huge storm was going to reign down on us, and for as dark as the clouds were, I didn't think it was going to be over with anytime soon. So Costa put out the fire as Mickey, Mark, and Jd loaded everything up in the carrying sacks, then we all decided to let Stoney lead the way because I was still in really no condition to travel let alone lead the group.

Sully helped Kc with me because I was for some reason very dizzy, and couldn't keep my balance at all. Sandy was walking right beside Sully while mindlessly having an unimportant chat with Catherine and Karalea just to pass the time while searching for shelter. All the other girls along with C-top were huddled up together hating the fact that they were stuck out in the middle of nowhere without a hotel room or a hot shower. I stopped in my tracks and looked up and sarcastically said it may not be warm but we all were about to have that shower. Moments later down came the rain, and it came down hard and heavy. But we hadn't found a shelter yet so onward we trudged thru the now thick and pasty mud. Siera and Abby said if we didn't find shelter soon we all were going to die of pneumonia if we didn't die of drowning first.

Just then Klayton told us all to stay under the thick grove of trees he found while he went ahead to see if he could find anything, the trees didn't stop the rain from hitting us, but it did give us a little relief from the heavy impact of it. But it wasn't just the rain we were fighting, the wind was enough to chill us all to the bone, and we huddled together starving for warmth, but all we could hear was the rain and our chattering teeth. Twenty minutes later, Stoney came running back to us and said he found a cave, and it would be perfect for us to seek refuge from the storm. Everyone was now tired from all the trudging and could barely keep themselves up let alone help drag my ass, I told them to leave me there and to get to shelter. Stoney grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, as he told me to shut up that no one was getting left behind unless they were dead.

As soon as Klayton led us all into the cave, we just dropped to our asses and bundled up together trying to rest from all the trudging we did, but Kc began gathering dead moss, leaves, and anything else she could find on the cave's floor and piled it up along with a few of the kindling she packed in her bag, so she could start a fire not only to give us a little warmth, but also so we could get dry. She came over to me and asked if the water saturated her human torch too much. I wearily smiled at her, and on my second try, I put her cloth on fire so she could make our campfire. Rachel and Kimberly hung up one of the sheets so all the girls could go behind it as a makeshift screen so they could get out of their wet clothes, then they began to hang them up around the fire so they could dry them out and put them back on.

Many of us were sound asleep right after we got dry, Klayton and JD were sitting at the mouth of the cave talking over strategies and thought about when they could go find some food. Kc was right by my side really beginning to worry about me, wondering why my head wasn't getting any better, then she pulled out some of her leftover fish that she didn't eat all of and reheated it in the fire and shared it with me, I couldn't believe she saved it, she must have a stomach the size of a pea to eat so little and still have enough energy to keep going without food. Costa was keeping the fire stoked so it would keep us warm for the remainder of the night. Klayton came in and plopped down on the other side of Kc and me and closed his eyes but kept both of his ears open because he wasn't sure if this cave wasn't the home of one certain critter that just didn't make it back yet. Which would totally suck, because there was no place to run now that we were entrapped in the cave, but at least we were warm, dry, and now we all were huddled around the fire asleep in a deep but restless sleep.

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