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That night was the first time I realized that my Bess was deathly afraid of storms because when it hit she was a nervous wreck and shaking like a rattlesnakes tail. I wrapped around her and told her that she was safe in there with me and Stoney there, but the thunder and lightning seemed to amplify with the noise and the flashing lights Kc curled up underneath both of us trying to hide from it. It was for sure my poor Bess wasn't going to get any rest for all the fear she had in her. After two days of storming and nonstop rain, it finally went suddenly silent, and the sun began to peek out thru the clouds. My head was now much better after the two days of total rest in the cave, but now it beginning to be unbearable staying in the cave listening to everyone's empty tummy's rattling the cave walls.

I stood up and gave a slight stretch and decided I was going to go out and see if I could do anything about the little starving problem we were currently having. As soon as I left the cave Sully and Stoney were right there with me telling me that if they all worked together, we could get us a nice boar and have bacon and ham for a few days at least. But killing a wild boar was no easy task especially with the very old-fashioned spears we made. Mickey came out holding his spear telling us all that we would need every guy to bring down a boar, then he hollered at Mark to get out there and help because we all were hungry.

Zoey and Abby stated very quickly that they were vegan and no way eating a pig! Stoney looked at both of them and sarcastically told them to go find some leaves and reeds to suck on them because he was going out and getting that hog, then the rest of us were going to go hog wild on some bacon, pork chops, and ham. Then he playfully began to drool a little bit and said he really wished he had some hashbrowns and some eggs. Catherine looked around and said why couldn't they find some eggs after all this was a wilderness, and animals that lay eggs were in the wilderness all we had to do was find them. Zoey and Abby quickly said there was no way they were going to eat wild animal eggs! that it was not only wrong but disgusting in every way.

Kc ran out of the cave as she was holding a basket she weaved together out of thick grass and said starving wasn't one of her favorite ways to die, so she was going to go find anything she could. I went over to her and told her not to stray too far away from the cave because I didn't want her getting lost, or hurt. She gave me a kiss along with a wink and said she would be very careful, and that she wasn't going alone. Rachel, Sandy and Kim were going with her to hunt for anything edible that wasn't alive and kick'n'. So while they were going after berries, roots, and maybe even eggs if they could locate any, the guys were out surrounding that wild boar and getting ready to go in for the kill.

What none of the guys really expected was for that wild boar to fight back the way it did, and nothing was worse than getting gut up by a wild hog. Mark found out the hard way, by the time the boar was down for the count, Mark was leaning up against the tree holding onto his leg from how badly it was lacerated and cut up all to pieces. Mickey and Stoney quickly made a tourniquet out of Stoney's shirt and tied up his leg until they could get him back to the safety of the cave. So he could tend to it properly with a partial first aid kit Kc had in her satchel. I carried helped Sully carry the boar back to the cave so we could carve it, clean it, and gut it so we could eventually cook and eat it.

Klayton and Mickey got his little brother laid down and resting comfortably after stitching up his leg and part of his arm from where he used it to block his neck and head from the boar attacking him. Klayton told Mickey he and some of the girls needed to keep a close eye on him for a few days for any kind of fever, or if he began to act strangely because, in this temperate wilderness, he could get very sick from the wounds, and not just infections. Hours later, after I finished carving up porky, that I realized Bess and the other girls hadn't made it back to the cave yet. I jumped up and headed out of the cave to search for them, just to run right into them and they were carrying a few baskets of fresh fruit, berries, and different types of roots. & of all things, my Bess was carrying a pup, but not just any pup...a wolf pup.

Stoney looked at her and asked her if she was seriously bringing that into the cave with all of us, and that it was trouble in the making because where there were, wolf pups, there were wolf parents that lived in wolf packs, and wolf packs meant serious trouble for this little group of humans. I looked at Stoney and told him that it couldn't bring all that trouble to us, and wolves weren't that vicious were they? Klayton looked over at me where I was and asked me if I knew anything about wolves. I chuckled as I told him that I used to have a few huskies, and two shepherds and they were very closely related. Stoney smiled at me as he told me that they may be related, but they were very different, and wolves have been known to attack and kill people, especially ones that were lost in the wilderness, and taking their pups away from them, because they were very family/pack oriented and had long memory spans, not to mention very sharp claws and fangs then Klayton took the pup and asked Kc to take him to where she found it at.

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