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After our reunion with our buddy and personal medic Stoney we did a little celebrating while eating bear meat and dancing around the campfire while singing all kinds of dumbass and silly songs, then when it got later in the night, we did a little strip dancing around the fire just to entice our lady friends a little bit. Because any guy that knew about being in dangerous situations always new it turned the guys on and they all let the girls know what they wanted. But it would be a little tricky when it came to pairing them up a little bit, Klayton chose to be with Karalea very quickly beens he knew he didn't have a chance with my Bess. Sully was with his wife Sandy, Costa was with Rachel, Abby grabbed C-Top just because she loved how he made her laugh no matter how scared they both were.

Kimberly walked over to Mickey because she used to be Marks girlfriend and decided his older brother was the closest one to what Mark was. Jd didn't really like the idea of cheating on his wife, but he and Catherine were both alone and stuck out in the middle of the wilderness and not knowing if they were ever going to make it out alive. I walked over to Jd and told him that what happened in the wilderness stayed in the wilderness and if we did make it out alive no one would say anything about what happened between him and Catherine because right now they both needed each other. Costa gave him a pat on the back and said besides, Lynn would understand completely, and that she knew that he loved her more than life.

JD gave a deep sigh as he wrapped his arm around Catherine and asked if she was ready for this crazy night. Catherine gave him a tiny kiss on the lips as she told him that she would never tell anyone, because she didn't really want her boyfriend finding out that she was cheating on him either, but it really was his fault for having a fight with her before they headed out and decided at the last minute that he didn't want to go with her. JD kissed her back and said it was a deal, then he comically pulled her down on his pallet with him on the far side of the camp. That night was full of nothing but love and an extreme tension relaxer. Even Xristos felt the passion emitting from us and he rolled over on his back and groaned a little bit.

None of us woke up early the next morning, we all decided to have a lazy day beens it was rather nice weather out and we had running water, shade trees, and plenty of food. So while some of us started the morning fire to cook some meat, another small group of us gathered some kindling for the fire, while the rest of us took turns taking a bath in the little pool that was formed alongside the river. It was a little chilly but it felt good washing some of the dirt, sweat, blood, and animal hairs from all the hunting we did to find food, not to mention last nights after dark festivities we all shared. After we all had our turns getting clean, we sat around the fire and ate some fish and a little more bear jerky Klayton made out of all the leftover meat just to keep it from spoiling. Plus it was easier to pack and carry around with us, even though its taste got old fast, it did fill the empty spot in our stomachs.

Klayton put out the fire and began to pack up all of the shit into the carrying packs. I asked him what he thought about following the river, that maybe it would lead us out of the wilderness. Klayton said it was better than staying there with our heads up our asses, and that it was a fact, that we had to get out of this fucking wilderness once and for all, because, for as much as he loved being out romping in the woods and camping, he's had quite enough for one year. We all quickly agreed to that, and took our place beside our walking partners and headed down the river to see how far we could go before something else would stop us and make us take a detour. Or something bad would happen and we'd have to test our wits, strength, and speed to keep us alive another day.

We spent a full day of rather peaceful walking and cheerful chatting amongst each other without one bit of trouble. Xristos was in and out of the water splashing about and wanting us all to pay attention to him and throw sticks for him so he could bring it back to us. The night actually snuck up on us this time, because we all were actually really enjoying each others company, so it was rather funny all of us running around our new encampment trying to get the beds laid down, and the night campfire built so we could snuggle up and keep warm. But none of us were really sleepy so we sat around the fire and told jokes and stories until we each slowly got tired enough to go to sleep.

Xristos stayed up with Klayton to keep watch because he was way too restless to sleep, but he didn't want to lay down to keep Karalea up all night because she was very tired from all the walking we did. So he kept the fire stoked as he talked softly to Xristos and gave him a few loving scratches behind his ears. Suddenly there was a slight howling that came in on the night wind. Klayton stood up and looked into the darkened woods as if wondering which direction it was coming from...then Xristos slowly stood up and walked up beside Klayton and sniffed in the air and began to growl very viciously and insecurely.

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