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{Klayton's p.o.v.}

I was laying partially in the water and partially out when I finally woke up long enough to actually stir around I sat up and quickly fell back down again, I knew I've been there for a while, but I just wasn't sure on how long. The pain in my head was excruciating, I slowly looked into the water's reflection to see how bad my head wound was...it wasn't very pretty but I've been in and seen much worse. I looked down looking for anything to make a needle out of, I looked around and saw a dead porcupine I knew the barbs weren't the best thing to use, but it was all I had at the moment so I quickly pinched one off and broke the blackened point off so I wouldn't infect myself with the oils that were in each tip to make the porcupine's enemies run after being struck by his tail.

Then I pulled out some string that was around the collar of my shirt and slowly began to stitch my head up while watching what I was doing in the water's reflection. After I finished, I looked around and wondered exactly how fucking far the river floated me to, but there was no way in hell that I was going to holler for anyone for as hard as my head was pounding. I splashed my hands in the water a few times to clear it, then I took a few sips of it before leaving the riverside and heading back upstream. But after walking not even thirty paces I almost ran right into a huge fucking grizzly bear...I ducked behind a huge cedar tree and looked around to see if it caught my scent, but it went on trying to catch fish from the river. I looked very carefully at it and wondered with mild humor if it was the same fucking bear that had us all on the run the first time around.

I walked around the bear hoping that it would stay interested in its fishing, not my fucking luck though it caught my scent after I walked upstream a ways, and decided to follow my scent. I was once again on the run, asking myself why can't I get a fuckin' break from damn bears. After running until it felt like my head was going to burst out of my eyes or my skull whichever one came first I stopped and turned around as I said loudly no fucking more! That this crazy ass wasn't running anymore! I pulled out my pocket knife and quickly began whittling spears out of pretty good sized and solid branches then I strongly thrust one end of them into the dirt at exactly the right angle. After I made about 10 of them I went back to where I lost the bear and encouraged him to chase after me which wasn't as hard as I thought.

I ran right for the spears I made and ran in between them and just as I thought he ran right at me, I grabbed one of the spears and just as he went up on his hind legs I thrust the spear as hard as I could right in the center of his chest then wedged the other end of it in the ground hard so the bear's weight would push the spear further through his body. When I realized he was really dead I did a crazy ass dance all the way around the bear as I laughed telling him that's what he gets for messing with me! I stopped instantly than took a close look at the bear again and sat down on my ass in mild shock that I actually killed a fucking 900lb grizzly bear! But I let that thought go as I said to myself that I was going to have a huge feast of bear meat, plus a nice warm bear blanket to keep me warmer tonight.

So I began carving on that bastard, first went his skin, then I carved some meat. I stretched the bear hide with the spears I made and let the sun do its job on it so by nightfall it would be ready for me to cover up with. I didn't finish by just taking some meat from the bear, I took my knife and carved out the claws sort of as a reward for meeting up with such a beast and killing it singlehandedly man against the beast, and I came out victorious. I went to a cleared out area amongst the trees and slowly began to make a campfire so I could cook some meat, and have a little food in my stomach, even though I wasn't quite sure how bear would taste, but anything was better than starving. 

I looked around for a moment until I found the right two sticks and began rubbing them together very quickly to make friction, once I saw it begin to smoke a little I gently blew on it lightly while putting a few dead leaves over it, on my third try I created fire, then I put the meat on a skewer and laid it over two forked sticks I had on each side of the fire, so the meat would be directly over the flames, and began cooking the meat. While it was cooking, I went back to the water and filled the small container I had with it, then grabbed the bearskin and went back to my makeshift camp and settled down.

As I began to eat some of the meat, I shook my head in slight agreement with myself as I jokingly said Winnie The Pooh didn't taste too bad after the first bite went down. Then I looked into the flames, a while as I wondered if my friends were looking for me, or if any of them got hurt after my disappearance. Then I thought of Siera as a few tears ran down my face, knowing that I was supposed to be responsible for her, for making her jump with me, for I knew that she didn't survive the rapid river's rage. But I shook it off and said to myself that none of us were going to stay alive forever out here, then I snuggled under the bearskin and tried to sleep hoping like hell that I would be able to find my friends tomorrow.

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