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We haven't even been stranded in the wilderness for 2 weeks yet and we already lost one member and Mark was very sick from the hog cuts he had on his leg and arm. He was in and out of delusions and consciousness, Klayton tried to keep him medicated up and kept his wounds as clean as possible, but every day that came and left made Stoney a little more nervous on the fact, that maybe Mark wasn't going to survive either and that maybe the boar infected him with some kind of bacteria that he just didn't have the medication to cure. I felt really bad for Stoney because he was the only one that was half ass smart in medical treatments and natural remedies, and none of us could help him, he was stuck taking care of everyone and I could understand how that could drive him insane having all of our lives in his hands everytime something went wrong.

I could tell that my Bess was beginning to change as well, and I also knew that it was because she still hasn't come to terms that one of her oldest friends was really gone. It put her into a very depressed state, and it made it worse when the other girls tried gathering around her and cheer her up, knowing that she would never see Zoey's face amongst them anymore. But it wasn't just that, she was also thinking heavily about us, and wondering if we were going to make it out of the wilderness, or if she was ever going to be able to wear that wedding ring or get married to me for that matter. I tried to caress her and tell her that we would survive but she would just give me an empty smile knowing that it was all uncertain until it actually happened. But I for one wasn't about to fucking go out like this in the middle of the wilderness without being married first and I knew Costa, Mickey, and Stoney wasn't about to give up on their lives yet either, they were the most headstrong out of our group.

But one thing was for sure, we weren't going to get anywhere by staying cooped up in this damn cave day in and day out without even trying to walk our way out...but it was also true that none of us knew where in the hell we were at, or which way to walk in, all we did know was by the sun which direction was which, but that didn't help our situation at all. Plus with Mark being in such bad condition we were sort of stranded there until he either recuperated or went down for the count. We were all hoping for the best for him, but even his brother Mickey was now starting to think the worse for him, and his girlfriend Kimberly was already mourning over him, as she told all of us that she felt it in her heart that he wasn't going to survive whatever sickness came from those hog cuts.

Later that evening a vision struck me like a bolt of lightning, and what Kimberly felt in her heart for Mark, I actually saw it in vivid color...Mark wasn't going to live, he wasn't even going to improve from the condition he was in now, he was just going to wither away right where he was without even opening his eyes again. I snapped out of it when Stoney slapped me and panically asked me what was wrong with me because my body got very tensed up and I began to shake uncontrollably with my eyes rolling back in my head like I was having a seizure or an epileptic fit of some kind. I shook the vision out of my mind and told him that Mark wasn't going to get better, he was going to die right there where we laid him down and he wasn't even going to open his eyes again.

Mickey grabbed me and pulled me up from the pallet and told me why I get off saying shit like that about his little brother, telling everybody that there was no hope for him. Then he let go of me and said that Mark has been fighting for his life for over seven days now and was still alive and it wasn't fair to Mark for us to give up on him. I moved over to Mickey and showed him Marks wounds that Stoney has been doing everything in his power to heal, but none of them were healing at all, then added that Mark hasn't been awake since after the attack. Then I asked him how much longer did he expect Stoney to keep him alive, without food or water. I picked Mark up and told him that his mind was already dead and his body just didn't know it yet. But it would die too very soon from starvation.

I laid Mark back down on the pallet we made for him, and ran out of the cave and just stared up into the now starlit sky and closed my eyes deeply and begged for something good to come our way so we could get out alive without any more deaths, and so I could get my two brothers back home to our mom, and so I could get Kc back home with her family, so we could get married and live our happily ever after and leave this hellacious nightmare behind us. But I gave a deep sigh knowing that it wasn't going to happen so quickly or easily and it was definitely going to get worse before it gets better because that was just Murphy's Law if anything bad could go wrong or happen it will. And right now Murphy was reigning down on us like a lead weight, I took a few deep breaths then went back into the cave and silently crawled in behind my Bess and wrapped around her and tried to get some sleep without anymore talk or arguing with Mickey about his brother...he would just have to find out the hard way, because I knew from the vision I had, Mark would be dead in two days.

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