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When the sun finally decided to peek over the mountain range that was on the far side of the wilderness, we all found out very quickly that we almost froze last night even with the fire burning all night because when we all woke up we were all piled and snuggled on top of each other instead of surrounding the campfire spread out before we went to sleep. It didn't take long for the girls to start their complaining about being very hungry, and nothing around anywhere for us to eat. I slowly sat up with my sweet Bess still laying in my arms and told her morning, but when I went to stand up, I very quickly went back down, it was plain to see that my head injury wasn't going to let me move anywhere anytime soon. 

Kc gave me a hug and told me to stay down and just relax, and if anything needed to be done she would help out as much as she could while I rested up until I felt better. So I pulled the blanket back around me and just sort of sat there while looking at what was left of our fire, and asked out loudly enough for everyone to hear me that where JD and Costa went off to. Sully snickered slightly as he carried a lot of timber for tonight's fire, and said that they were over by the water trying to catch something to eat. Then he also added that Klayton and Mickey headed off thru the woods a little while ago with a few spears they made hoping they'd find anything they could make a meal out of as well. 

A few hours later, JD and Costa came back with a homemade branch stringer with a group of nice fish, with big smiles on their faces and said at least we wouldn't starve this morning. They quickly sat down on each side of me and showed me their catch then they pulled out their pocket knives and began scaling them and cleaning them. I tried to get up a second time so I could go down by the stream and maybe splash a little cold water on my face, and get some to drink because I for one was very thirsty but that was totally not happening. So I gave a deep irritating sigh and asked Costa how his arm was feeling today. He still had it in the homemade sling Klayton made for him and said it hurt like a son-of-a-bitch but he wasn't going to let it stop him. 

Mark came over still slightly hobbling from hurting his leg and foot during the wreck, and had a few sticks he widdled spikes on the ends of them so when the fish were cleaned and gutted, he could skewer them and place them over the campfire Kc was trying to get started. Rachel was down by the water with Catherine filling everything they had that could hold water and brought it over to our tiny campsite. I looked at the water and was about to get up to get some of it when my Bess must have read my mind because she was standing in front of me holding a small container with water in it for me. After she gave me a drink, she handed me another piece of her shirt and said she needed another fire lit. I chuckled pervertedly at her and as I lit it for her, I asked her when I was going to be able to do a little extra lighting of our personal fire.

Kc kissed me on the cheek and said not out here, then made the fire so JD could start cooking their fish. Carrot-Top came over to me and automatically thought that I was the boss and leader of this little group of stranded survivors and asked if we all were really going to be staying here without moving onward so we could try to make it back to some kind of civilization. I calmed my comical friend down and told him that it was a good idea, but none of us knew where we were, or which direction we needed to march in. Then as I fell over sideways I told him that my head wouldn't allow me to move anywhere right away, that I needed at least two more days of rest before trekking thru the wilderness playing Swiss Family Robinson without the protection of large dogs and guns.

I laid back down and asked Kc to come lay with me, because I was cold and lonely, and wanted to snuggle until it was time to eat, beens there wasn't much more she could do besides sit around and wait. Kc laid down with me when Klayton and Mickey finally made it back only they weren't walking they were running, I knew something was up because I never saw Stoney run away from anything. When they got close enough for us to hear them, all he was saying was get off our asses and fucking run! Everyone was up and gathering shit and running away from where Klay and Mickey were running from, I tried to get up but failed miserably twice. The third time I tried to get up and Bess wrapped her arms around me and helped me up and said I needed to move, or else there wouldn't be anything left of me to move if that fucking bear got a hold of me!

I spun my head around and looked in the direction behind us and saw a huge ass Grizzly bear following at pretty fast speed. So I tried to carry my own weight and run alongside Kc instead of her dragging me so much, but my head was pounding so badly that I just couldn't do it until Klayton and Mickey grabbed under each of my arms and hauled ass and told Kc to move her sexy ass, that they had me. So onward we ran, and ran and just for shits and giggles we ran some more. But not without Mark grabbing the cooked fish, and the girls grabbing all the bedding, and Sully and Carrot-Top grabbed the water carriers. I told them we had to stop because my head was about to fucking explode. Klayton and Mickey looked around to check to see if the bear was still behind us, but it was clear, so we finally got the chance to pitch the camp and eat our now cooked but cold fish.

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