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The rest of the group didn't waste any time in packing up camp and willing to head downstream in search for our two missing companions. I got the wild idea of using Xristo's nose to find them, so I grabbed a piece of Siera's and Stoney's clothing with their scent on it and told him to find them. He made a few quick spins and a wild bark then ran off down the riverside running back n forth and side to side as if trying to locate their scent. Costa said that we would all have a better chance of locating them if we spread out a little more, that way there would be more ground covered. I didn't really like the idea of splitting up, but Costa said we'd go in groups of two and stay in each others line of sight just spread out more so we could search better for them.

We searched all that day and part of the night beens the moon was so full and bright we could see rather well, so we kept on searching. It wasn't until after three days of searching that we finally found Siera's mangled body lodged in between some rocks at the river's edge. But there was no way we could have made it down to where her body was at, even to give her a proper burial. We all gathered together and I couldn't believe that I was voted out about keeping on with our hunt until we found Stoney, but they all seemed to think that he was dead too and the river just carried his body far down the river, or that it was lodged beneath the water in some rocks. I blew up at all of them, and said they could fucking quit and give up if they wanted too! But I wasn't giving up until I found my best friend. Kc and Sully were the only ones that agreed with me and followed me in the hunt. While the rest of them made a camp in between a grove of cedar trees.

JD and Costa made the campfire nice and bright so we could find our way back to the camp whenever I decided to give the hunt a break for a while and rest up and eat. Several more days went by and still, there was no sign of my oldest and best friend. I was beginning to go into a deep despair at the thought of never seeing his crazy ass again, or hearing his insane ideas, or the awesome music he created and molded out of nothing. Xristos laid down at my feet and Kc laid her head on my shoulder as she wrapped her fingers around mine, and told me not to give up just yet, that she had a strong feeling that Stoney survived the river and that we were going to find him and that he would be wet, hurt, and very pissed off, but he would still be in one piece and very much alive...because he was just too damned crazy to die easily.

I gave her a kiss as I thanked her in her ear for keeping me positive when everyone else was wanting to give up and lose hope. Rachel handed out some of the leftover rabbits that we had and said she would never give up on that crazy ass either because she knew how tough he was, and if anyone of us was to survive and walk out of this wilderness alone...it would be Stoney. We all agreed on that one because he was a natural at surviving and had a lot of knowledge in that area not to mention his knowledge in natural remedies for healing and medicines. I stood up and gave a slight stretch then plopped down on the pallet Kc made and decided to take a nice long rest before getting up again and going on the search again for Klayton. Xristos curled up behind me, and Kc snuggled up in front of me and took a nice nap with me because she said she was going to go with me on the next search I did.

But I was a lot more exhausted than I thought, because after I fell asleep, I was out, and didn't even wake up to take a piss until the next day around 8:00 that morning. I woke up and jumped out of the pallet cussing to myself for sleeping so long without searching for Klayton. I gave Xristos a whistle and told him today we just had to find Stoney because he's been lost long enough. Kc was already awake sitting in front of the fire eating a few berries and some fish that JD cooked for breakfast. I looked around and asked her as I gave her a kiss why she didn't wake me up, and where did everybody go. Kc kissed me back and said that after they ate they all headed off together in groups to hunt for Klayton, but she was told by Costa and Jd not to wake me up. So she waited until I got up on my own, then she hopped up and handed me some berries and some fish and said we could hunt for Stoney while I ate.

Hours went by and the rest of the group slowly made it back to the campsite two at a time without any luck finding even a piece of Stoney. It's been almost 7 days now since he's been gone, so Kc, Xristos, and I stayed out a little longer searching for him but still no luck and it was now dinner time so Kc talked me into heading back to refuel ourselves then we could head out again later to hunt for him. I was really getting pissed off at myself for not finding him, but crammed my hands in my pockets and followed her back to the camp and sat down on the log by the fire and stared deeply into its flames, then closed my eyes and hoped that either he would magically appear to us, or we would find him this next time we went out in search.

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