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Tommy and Lynn were now heading for the Helipad for their third day of searching, with no signs of any life, but they were both very stubborn people and refused to give up, so they kept on the everlasting search for us. It wasn't until later on that afternoon that they both hit a little patch of luck when the airport secretary called Tommy and told them the last location of the GPS tracker from the plane they took but she added that it very suddenly just stopped. Tommy thanked her and after he hung up with her he told Lynn that they didn't make the trip to Paradise Landing because their plane crashed, then he handed the helicopter pilot the coordinance and asked them to take them there.

The chopper pilot read the coordinance and told him he was nuts because not only was that way off the beaten path, but it was out in the middle of the wilderness with nothing for miles around it was woods, mountains, and a lot of wild animals. Tommy moved toward the front of the chopper and told them to take him to that coordinance, so he could find his family. The co-pilot told him very rudely that if they crashed anywhere around that area that they were dead already and there was no use in searching anymore. Which wasn't the smartest thing to tell a crazy goth punk that was on a mission. Tommy grabbed the pilot out of his seat and took over the controls and looked at their heading then read the coordinance himself and told the co-pilot if he didn't want to help him to take a seat in the back and tell his partner Lynn to come up and assist him, because one way or another he was going to find his family even if they were dead it would give everyone that peace of mind knowing that they weren't out there lost somewhere starving or hurt needing help.

Lynn came up behind him and jokingly asked him if he knew how to fly a helicopter, Tommy snickered devilishly and said how hard could it be, then added rather colorfully that it looked just like his video games back home, and he was a professional at that. That left Lynn a little bit worried for her own safety but what the hell it was for the right cause...to find her husband and brother-in-law's and get them back home to safety where they belonged. So she just gave his shoulder a squeeze and told him to get this thing done. It took them a lot longer than they thought but they finally reached the crash site. Tommy successfully got the bird landed, and they raced over to the wreckage. But when they saw only two graves they both looked at each other and said there were survivors out there.

Tommy looked around and asked Lynn which way she thought they would have gone in, but she looked blankly at him and asked how in the hell would she know that. Tommy chuckled lightly and said he was just asking for her opinion. Then he walked out into the woods a little then he found a slight trail that looked a little more worn down than the rest of the wilderness, so he walked it a ways further at first he thought it was just a game trail until he found a candy bar wrapper. Tommy chuckled and said they went this way for someone really loved snicker bars. Lynn told him to get the chopper in the air again and fly in that direction because they'd have better luck seeing them from the aerial viewpoint instead of trying to find them a foot.

So as they headed up and away, our group of survivors was walking along the river's edge always moving forward in search of anything better than what it was behind them. When Stoney got really excited at what he was gazing upon not even two miles ahead of us. It was a log cabin! Our tired group all got a huge burst of energy as they ran like a bat out of hell toward the cabin. Stoney tried to tell them not to rush to it, that we'd get there eventually, and we didn't know anything about that surrounding area but they didn't listen to him, I stayed behind holding onto Kc because she wasn't feeling the greatest and she told me she couldn't even walk fast even if her life depended on it. Klayton helped me carry most of her weight as we looked further ahead of us where all the others were racing each other even more quickly now that they were closer to it.

I thought we would be out of danger from here on out and finally get to find a way out of the wilderness because usually log cabins meant people, and people meant traveling gear and a way out...but I was wrong again. The cabin was abandoned, and it secretly had a lot of hidden traps around it to keep wild animals from breaking into the cabin while the hunters or campers were there, and sadly Kimberly found one of the deadfalls, which was a deep hole dug in the ground with wooden stakes sticking straight up out of the ground so to pierce whatever beast that would fall into it like a bear, cougar, wolf, or even wild boar or deer. But unfortunately this time it was a person. Stoney gently handed Kc to me and rushed over to see if she was in fact killed by the trap. He looked down and saw that one of the stakes pierced thru her thigh just above her knee. But she was passed out from the shock and blood loss.

He jumped down carefully and removed the stake from her thigh, and removed his belt from his pants and tightly wrapped it around her leg as a tourniquet, then handed her up to JD and Costa and told them to get her into the cabin ASAP. He jumped out of the hole and looked at me and said under his breath so only I could hear it, that if the stake hit her artery she's had it, and there would be nothing he could do about it, that she would bleed out in minutes. We all made it inside and quickly created the fire, and lit up the three lanterns that were there. The cabin had recently been used but not anymore. Klayton told Mickey and Costa to stay close to him because he was going to need help, but he told everyone very clearly now that he wasn't sure if he would be able to save her because the wound was very bad, and he didn't have the necessary medical equipment.

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