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After the conversation dried up, we all sort of went into our separate little areas and did our own thing for a few hours, most of the group decided it was naptime because Kc and I heard a lot of light snoring when the plane became quiet. But I was too excited to sleep so Bess and I stayed up playing silently in our corner until they decided to wake up again for the next round of fun because for as long as the trip was, I knew we would still be flying when they woke up. Exactly one hour later Stoney was the first one wide awake and was gently strumming on his guitar. On that note, Kc leaned back on me and snuggled up underneath her throw blanket wanting to take her nap. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her nose and methodically rubbed her down until me and Stoney's music serenaded her to sleep.

But her nap didn't last long because soon all the girls were awake and that's when the fight was on! I didn't really know how it started or who started it, but it happened and they were all catfighting with each other. Most of us guys were actually enjoying the feminine rumble. But when my Bess woke up from the loud cutting up she stopped it real quick telling them all that it was no way to behave especially when it was supposed to be a fun vacation celebrating our engagement and soon to be wedding. She looked over at her sister Sandy and asked her what it was all about, and who started it. Sandy looked down a little ashamed and said it was rather stupid and not really worth mentioning. But she added that she was sorry for being apart of it.

Kc looked over at Zoey and saw her extremely shameful look on her face, then she asked her why she started the bitch fight for. Zoey looked down again and said she and the single girls were fighting over which single guy they were going to flirt with, and when they all realized they wanted the same guy...the fight commenced which turned into an all-out catfight. I looked around at the guys and jokingly said the ones that were single weren't the best guys to fight for anyway. Stoney grabbed me very quickly and put me in a headlock and told me to speak for myself because he knew he was damned sexy and totally worth fighting for. I slipped out of his hellacious grip and playfully added how he knew the girls were even fighting over him, and not Kostmayer. Klayton looked over at Mickey and moved up right next to Mickey and asked the girls which guy they were fighting over him or Mickey.

Zoey, Abby, Catherine, and Karalea all ran over to Stoney at the same time and said they were fighting over him at the moment. But then Zoey and Catherine let him go and said but they weren't too picky, and grabbed Mickey and said they would take Mickey instead. Kc looked at all of her college girlfriends and asked why they didn't do that at the beginning to save all of us from hearing their bickering and cat fighting, but they honestly didn't have an answer. I stood up and gave a stretch and headed toward one of the windows to see what the outside looked like, and to take a wild guess where we were at, and if we were closer to our final destination. When I looked out the window I saw some rather mean & dark looking clouds. I told everyone to stay quiet for a couple minutes as I dialed the pilots quarters and asked them about the weather and if it was going to get hairy out there or if we were going to make it safely to the tropical paradise.

There was a moment of silence then the pilot said he had no idea where this freak storm came from, because it wasn't showing up on the radar, and the forecast reported that the flight was supposed to be clear sailing all the way to Paradise Landing. I told them to let us know if they needed to make an emergency landing because under no circumstances were they to put any of us in danger while flying blindly into a frigging storm when I was so close to being the new Mr. Cobretti, and Kyrie becoming my new Mrs. Mindfreak. The pilot said ok, but as soon as I turned off the intercom so we could get back to having fun, the pilot told his brother/co-pilot that we had passed the P.O.N.R. half an hour ago, and there was no safe place to land from here until they made the destination. Because we had open ocean front on the right side of us and nothing but extreme wilderness on the left and we still had quite a long ways to go before reaching our destination.

But all of us were still ultimately clueless about what was going on, we were all now sitting around one of the large tables in the center and we were just about getting ready to play a very sexy game of strip poker, but I warned everyone that I was so in the mood to win. My Bess sat down on my lap and told me no cheating or magical tricks to work in my advantage or she was gonna kick my sexy greek ass. Stoney looked right at me and said he was going to be kicking it right along beside her. We all were really getting into the game now that most of the girls were topless, and quickly moving right on down their bodies, along with most of us guys, except for me I only had one layer of clothing off and that was my boots, when the plane made a few very violent turbulent shimmers, then it stalled altogether, then the power went out on the plane, and all that was next was the sounds of everyone screaming frantically as the plane was spiraling and spinning downward all the way to the site of the crash...then all went silent...

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