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(Kc's P.O.V.)

Criss stayed very close to me during Klayton's desperation in trying to save Kim's life, but no matter what he tried nothing seemed to work, the wound was so deep and extensive, Mickey was holding her hand trying to keep her calm as possible now that she was awake, because every move she made, just made the blood pump out of her that much faster. We all thought Mickey was as tough as they come kind of guys, but as I watched in horror at all the blood, I also looked at Mickey and told Criss that he was on the razor's edge and just about to snap. Criss and Sully both looked over at Mickey and assured me that he was just scared and worried just like the rest of us. But I knew it was more than that, especially since he lost his little brother first, now he was losing the newly evolved love of his life.

Karalea and Catherine both were crying and screaming from the trauma and shock that was building up in the cabin, which was not helping Klayton at all. He spun around and hollered at Jd to get them outta the fucking cabin because they were not making things any better or easier for him. JD took them both outside and told them they needed to calm down before they came back into the cabin. They both jumped into Jd's arms and asked them if Klayton was going to be able to save her. Jd gave them both an enduring hug and slowly through a few tears whispered no. After a while everything in the cabin got unsubtly quiet, followed by Criss and me walking out holding onto me as I was crying hysterically. Klayton slowly walked out and dropped down to his knees as he felt that he let everyone down even after all his hard efforts in trying to save her he just couldn't do it. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around him and kissed him on the cheek and tried to be strong for him, because he was putting way too much guilt on himself and told him he did everything humanly possible and more, and that her wound was just too extensive.

The only one that didn't come out of the cabin was Mickey...but after a while when he didn't come out we all decided to go back in to see if he was alright, or passed out from panic-induced shock. But he was staring out the window very quiet and very still. I walked over to him wanting to console him, but as he turned around his eyes were completely blank, and he somehow managed to find a gun that was in the cabin. Before I could say anything he mindlessly pulled the gun out and began shooting up the place. I was the first one he shot, Criss was right by my side panicking as he was trying to see how badly I was hurt. Sully tried to disarm him, but he was shot in the side and went down, followed by him giving Karalea and Catherine kill shots before Costa grabbed him from behind, and Stoney grabbed the gun, but thru the hassle of him trying to get it from Mickey's death grip, the gun went off and Mickey fell back on Costa the bullet went right thru his chest at point blank range, and killed him instantly.

Klayton didn't have any more patience for shock or trauma today and after he tossed Mickey's body off of Costa, and looked him over to see that he was alright, he quickly did his rounds to everyone that was left in the cabin, after he confirmed that Karalea and Catherine were both dead, he went over to Sully and Sandy but Sully told him to check Kc because he was just a flesh wound. Rachel was lost in fear and tears at what just happened, for neither she or any of us ever thought that Mickey would go insane like that and kill his friends. Criss was holding onto me in tears as he was holding his side from where he was shot, I was trying very hard to stay awake for him, but it was very difficult. I felt like I just needed to close my eyes and sleep.

Klayton quickly grabbed me up and laid me on the very table where Kimberly passed and instantly began to extract the bullet that was lodged inside so he could patch me up right after to stop the bleeding. Rachel watched as her brother tried once again to work some magic as she and my sister Sandy were holding hands and praying that he was successful this time. Jd and Costa were wrapping Criss's wound while he was holding onto me begging me not to leave him. Sully and C-Top were the only ones that weren't damaged a whole lot so they were carrying out the bodies and began burying them so all the blood wouldn't attract unwanted predators. After three hours of Klayton working on me, he was finally stitching me up and assuring Criss that I was going to be sore, but I would live. Criss was now crying tears of emotional relief as he kissed Klayton on the forehead and thanked him several times. 

Klayton welcomed him, by taking his shirt off and telling Criss that he was next because his side wound was still bleeding a lot, and he needed to stitch it up before he bled out too. Finally, Klayton was able to sit down and relax in the very old recliner in the corner and sleep that all the trauma and suffering part was over with. Criss stayed right beside me never budging an inch. Sandy and Rachel were looking around the cabin trying to get a fire going on the stove so for the first time since we wrecked so long ago we could have a nice cooked meal. Costa and Sully were sound asleep on a pallet in the corner. Jd was blankly looking out the window thinking about his wife and daughter, and wondering if we were ever going to get out of this hell or not.

Just then we all sat up hoping that we were all hearing the same thing and not just our imaginations. JD and Stoney both ran out of the cabin and looked around at the sky, with Xristos running happy circles around them both hoping they would play with him when JD hollered out A Plane!!! Criss wanted to go out and see, but he remained planted beside me. Jd ran back in the cabin and said a plane has landed just down the river in the clearing and we were saved! Everyone quickly packed what they wanted, while Criss lifted me up and said we were going home. Once we made it to the clearing where the plane was, and we all were met up with Tommy and Lynn. The reunion was very emotional, but short because Criss told Tommy the urgency of getting me to a hospital.

The wilderness terror was over now and Criss and I were married happily along with our baby boy Johnny Crisstopher, that finally decided to come out. Not to mention our trusted companion Xristos that refused to go back into the wild. All the loss and suffering we went thru just slowly seemed to diminish away from all the love, good, and fortune the future brought us all. But deep in our hearts and minds none of us would ever forget what happened out there...during the last *Nightfall*

                                   ~The End~

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