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Two days followed, and Sully and I were outside burying Mark, for he died just like I told everyone he would, Mickey didn't speak one word after we carried his little brother out of the cave. Kimberly was already over her mourning now beens she mourned days before he actually died, knowing that he wasn't going to get better. After Sully and I came back into the cave, with the young wolf pup following right beside me, Stoney and Kc tried giving it back many times but every day he'd be right back in the cave laying right by my feet the next morning Stoney chuckled and said the little guy imprinted on me, but I think it was more of a psychic connection we shared.

I didn't beat around the bush and asked them what they thought about packing everything up and heading out anywhere because just sticking around the cave wasn't going to get us any closer to civilization or out of this damn wilderness. We all talked it over and ended up half of us wanting to stay, for at least the cave did give us shelter and more warmth than being out in the weather. So instead, of arguing with them, I packed my shit and told them if they wanted to stay they could, but I was going home one way or another and sitting around the cave waiting for help just wasn't gonna fucking happen. I pulled my pack over my shoulder and asked if anyone wanted to come with me.

Kc wrapped around me instantly and said where I go she goes to whatever end was given to us. Stoney grabbed his pack and said anything beat sitting around the cave waiting for death to find us all. After Stoney let the others know that he was leaving too, they all decided to follow, because they could live without me and Kc, but without the group's doctor, they wouldn't survive at all. It was settled we were all leaving together, beens it was my idea to head out right away, they all waited for me to choose which direction to go in. I closed my eyes and tried to hone in on my inner knowing or what most people called their gut feeling, then I gave Kc's hand a loving squeeze and pointed in the westward direction.

Instead of an orderly fashion, we all just clustered together in a group and walked close together, until we were on the freshly made path I was trailblazing for the rest of them to walk down on, we eased up and began to try to enjoy the scenery and listening to all the different birds, and take in the nature sites while every now and then I would toss a small stick for my wolf pup to chase after, he was in a playful mood and was full of energy. Onward we traveled and had a somewhat silly conversation just to lighten the mood and take our minds off the fact, that we weren't just on a peaceful nature hike or camping close to home, we were lost in the middle of some gigantic wilderness we know not where. After our colorful and somewhat perverted conversation and jokes dried up, Sully and Stoney began to hum a little bit, which turned into all of us humming and whistling, and finally, we were an all out chorus.

Most of the day was gone, and our day was actually totally pleasant compared to the past days that we suffered thru. Catherine, Kimberly, and Karalea began to moan and groan about their feet hurting, Siera, Abby, and Sandy were griping about being hungry Kc gave my hand a squeeze and said she could use a little break. I kissed her hand and stopped abruptly right in the middle of a grove of trees that was rather clean. Costa and Jd began working on the fireplace, while Catherine, Rachel, and Kimberly unpacked the duffels searching for some leftover pork we had, which was dwindling down to nothing but pork jerky that Sully had made. They divvied the dried meat up amongst everyone then sat down and said to enjoy it because it was the last of the pork, and all that was left was a few roots and wild berries.

Kc looked over at me and Stoney a little concerned, but I smiled at her and told her not to worry that we could find more food. Moments later, I heard my wolf pup whining as he was racing all around the underbrush, I chuckled thinking something scared him or he was just playing around...but moments later we all heard a shrill squeaking noise, and he came prancing out and laid it down proudly at my feet. I gave him a couple of pats and told him he was a good boy then I tossed him a piece of the jerky I had left. Stoney grabbed the rabbit and began skinning it then he continued to gut it with his knife. All the girls looked over at him a little disgustingly as he said it wasn't a big meal but cooking it would make a nice snack for each of them to munch on while we walked further down the bunny trail.

Sully knelt down to the wolf pup and jokingly told him to go fetch a dozen more of those rabbits and we'd have it made. All Sully got for a response was the wolf's tongue right in his face a half-dozen times. C-Top passed one of the water jugs around so we could all have a couple swigs before I decided it was time to march on again which wasn't going to be very much longer because it was getting dark, and we needed to find a good place to make camp for the night. This time as we were walking around JD was the lucky one to find a perfect spot to make camp, it was an enclosed area with large boulders on three sides and a grove of trees covering the front of the area except for a small path in front of it. The girls quickly made the pallets while Mickey silently made the campfire for the night, Stoney shared the pieces of cooked rabbit with all of us, as we all settled down and got ready for much-needed sleep.

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