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{Criss's p.o.v.}

I was up first thing the next morning, without bothering with breakfast I quickly handed Xristos a shirt with Stoney's scent on it and told him today we had to find him, and hopefully he would still be alive...No I take that back, I knew he was still alive, we just had to locate where the crazy ass was keeping himself hidden after his white water rapids adventure. I was all packed up when Kc and the rest of the group began to stir around. I gave her a kiss and a look of extreme determination in my eyes as I told her today we were going to find Stoney, and work our way out of this damned wilderness and make it back to our family so we could finally get married. But when I didn't get a smile out of her, I playfully gave her a few spins as I asked her if she was still wanting to marry me.

Kc looked up at me and said she would never not want to marry me, it was just she was beginning to think everything was against us all, and we weren't going to make it out alive. Because everyone one around us was dying, and it was only a matter of time before it was one of our turns to be next. I pulled her into my arms and whispered lovingly into her ear, as I told her I would never let anything happen to her, that I would protect her no matter what. Then I stood up and pulled her with me as I walked out of the campsite and told her that we were going to survive this one way or another because I wasn't one for, ever giving up on anything I set my mind on or to.

JD and Costa took care of the fireplace as they both griped wishing they had just one cup of coffee to start their day off with. I snickered at them, because I knew they were so going into caffeine withdrawals for it was like clockwork the first thing they did before starting their day was to drink at least two cups of coffee each, then Costa would usually smoke a cigarette, if I didn't take it away from him first and make it disappear for him. Sully gave me a hug and silly good morning kiss on the cheek and asked if we were going to find Stoney today. I wiped my cheek off and told him today was the day, we weren't going to take any breaks until we found him. Mickey came up behind me and asked me sarcastically if I had a vision that we found him or what. 

I ignored his smart ass remark and told him if he didn't want to go on the hunt for our friend, then he could go off on his own for all I cared, because I was tired of his shit anyway, always starting fights with me and my brothers, always saying that it was doom and gloom just because he lost his brother, well Stoney did everything in his power to save Mark, but there was no helping him, and I am positive that Stoney tried his damnedest to save Siera, but he was just a man, and not a superhero. That was the only push Mickey needed, he ran up behind me and jumped my ass and began throwing wild swings at me.

C-Top ran behind the girls as he said this was not the way a group of friends in trouble was supposed to behave. Catherine, Abby, and Kimberly were all rooting for Mickey to kick my ass, but Karalea, Rachel, and Sandy were telling me to use the mind-body & spirit shit to knock Mickey off his hi-horse and flat on his ass. Kc was trying to get Mickey off of me but he pushed her back several times before he slapped her a little bit harder than he wanted to, and she fell back and hit her head on the base of the tree behind us. Sully ran over to her and checked her out really quickly followed by her sister Sandy. 

After seeing him hurt my baby like that, I took control of the fight and beat the shit out of him...it took Costa and JD both getting me off of him but once our connection was severed I rushed over to my Bess and wrapped around her as I kissed her over and over again asking her if she was alright. Sully wrapped her head up with his bandanna then she slowly stood up and said we needed to find Stoney, so we could get the hell out of here and make it back to civilization before all of us turned into crazed, heartless, and wild animals. She led the way for a couple miles, then I put her hand in mine and walked right alongside her as I apologized for the fighting. She reached over and kissed me and said it wasn't my fault, then she looked over at Mickey and hollered it loud enough for him to hear it and said it was his fault, that he started it. Mickey kissed his index finger then pointed to Kc and said he loved her too.

We split up a little further apart from one another to widen our search, and just to make the day a little more cheery, I began singing a song that Stoney wrote, and the rest of the group joined in as the music began to engulf the wilderness. Hours went by and still no sign of Klayton anywhere. But something did catch my eye rather quickly, it was Xristos, he caught the scent of something that he liked, and began whining as he ran right for whatever it was...I looked at everyone and told them to group back up and follow me because, by the way, Xristos was acting, I knew he found my ole buddy Stoney. We all ran in a straight line after Xristos that was now howling loudly instead of just lightly whining, then he abruptly stopped next to a firepit that was now merely smoldering ashes, and what looked like a bear laying down beside it.

We all gathered around close to it and saw Stoney sleeping peacefully underneath the enormous bearskin. We all were so happy at seeing him none of us bothered to think about where or how he managed to get the bear's skin away from him. I jumped on him at the same time as I hollered Stoney very loudly, he was immediately up and holding onto to each of us ecstatic that we managed to find him. Kc gave him the longest hug ever and asked him if he was alright, he gave her a deep kiss and said he was now that his group was with him again...he looked at all of us and asked about Siera, but we all looked down and shook our heads no. But we all said how happy we were to see that his crazy ass was still alive!

Sully lifted up the Grizzly skin and asked how he got it...Stoney chuckled lightly and said he killed that fat bastard because he got tired of running from it, then he pointed to where the remains of the bear were laying right where Stoney killed, skinned and carved it for some food and warmth. All of us guys looked right at him as we told him he was a real bad-ass motha fucker killing a 900lb Grizzly bear single-handedly!! Stoney took a hearty bow and said he did have that honor, as he gave Xristos a few love pats and some cooked bear meat to munch on. Then he looked up at us and said who was ready to get outta here because he for one was so ready for civilization because he really missed his music studio and his guitar. not to mention hot water, a warm bed, and a very large cherry coke.

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