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Dimitra was sitting on the porch in Paradise Landing, blankly staring at the beautiful sandy beaches wondering why her sons and future daughter-in-law hasn't made it there yet, and that they were weeks overdue. Kc's parents just told her that they were delayed, but would show up in a couple of days, but that was four days ago. Dimitra gently placed her hand over her heart and knew something went terribly wrong, and that she needed to do something, for this time it wasn't just Crisstopther that was in trouble, it was all of her son's, and if she lost them, she wouldn't have a reason to live anymore. Lynn walked over to her and sat down beside her and asked her if she was alright.

She gave Lynn a tiny squeeze and said that she was so scared for her boys, and for the fact that they haven't shown up yet, and it wasn't like Crisstopher to be late for anything, let alone his own wedding party and vacation. Dimitra stood up and told all of them that something terrible has happened to Crisstopher's plane and that they needed to do something, tell someone to go look for them, or to check the flight records, because she's tried calling all their phones and none of them even had a dial tone, like they were all shut off or had no signal and that wasn't right at all. Tommy came down from keeping little Dimi entertained and said he would call the airport where they left from, and see when they departed. Just to ease Mama D's mind a little.

She gave him a kiss on the forehead as she thanked him. Tommy headed over to his cabana and grabbed his cell and gave them a call. Dimitra watched his expressions as he talked to them, which ran a tingle of fear down her spine as his expression turned into slight panic and worry as he hung up with them, he put his hand by his mouth and looked over at all of them and said they left several days ago, and that they should have been here at least 12 days ago. Dimitra looked down as her heart sank. Tommy quickly grabbed his phone again and called them back and asked them to check for radar or whatever it was they did to find out the last location of the plane and that it was an emergency because they never made it there.

The lady told Tommy that they would do everything in their power to locate the plane by checking the exact flight route we took to make the journey...but anything could have thrown us off that route if the plane had difficulties, or a rogue storm could have turned the plane off course. Tommy shook his head as he told her he understood then he thanked her for her help and hung up a second time. Tommy looked over at his parents and couldn't believe they didn't even seem concerned at all that his two sisters and their daughters were somewhere out there that could be hurt, in danger, or worse and they didn't even seem to care at all. Then he turned to his future brother-in-law's mother, sister-in-law, and niece, and all he could see on them was worry, fear, and a sense of deep loss.

Tommy knew he wasn't the smartest guy on the planet, and he did do a lot of the dumbest shit, but at least he still had a heart of gold and didn't lose his sense of love and humanity. Tommy jumped up and got in his parents' faces and asked them if they were even worried about Sandy and Kc, that they were out there somewhere in only god knows what condition, lost, cold, and scared, if they weren't dead already. Dimitra stood up and walked over to Tommy and wrapped her arm around him, and told him that if her boys were with them, they would be alright, then she added to brighten all of their spirits that Klayton, Sully, and Mickey were with them as well, and if anyone was good in a mess it was Stoney.

Tommy shook his head slightly as he sat back down and looked out into the open ocean and said just to secure himself that they would be alright, but just to make sure he was going to call the helicopter service first thing tomorrow and have a search party held to see if we could find them. Lynn kissed Tommy on the cheek and said that she not only agreed to that, but she would help fund it, because she loved her family, and needed her husband back as soon as possible. She added comically that it was totally up to him if he wanted to bring her crazy youngest brother-in-law back because if he made it to Paradise Landing, he would be marrying his little sister.

Tommy chuckled and said he knew that, and he was both ecstatic for his little sister, and dreading it at the same time because he knew she and Sandy told me already all about his crazy ass endeavors about trying to be him by doing all of his crazy stunts and turning them into comical spoofs and he would never be able to live any of them down. Dimitra sat down on the other side of Tommy and said she bets he made them his own type of success just by making people laugh at the comedy of it all. While when Crisstopher did it all he managed to do was wow people and scare the hell out of all of them by the crazy and deadly stunts he did. 

As the light slowly left the sky, everyone in Paradise Landing, drifted off to sleep except for Tommy, Dimitra, and Lynn, they were all sitting around on the porch breathing in the crisp night air while looking up at the stars silently wondering if their lost family and friends were staring at the same sky and all the stars. Then they all held hands just to reassure each other that they would find their family and friends that were lost out there.

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