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After everyone got the word that My Sweet Bess was pregnant they all were wanting to wait on her hand and foot trying to take all the toil off of her so she could rest and stay comfortable. She tried to tell them that she was quite a long ways from being due, that she was only four weeks in the pregnancy if that. But they needed something fresh to worry about, so they all agreed to worry about the unborn baby in the family. The girls all went hog wild on thinking about baby names and making a poll on if it was going to be a girl or a boy. Sully was very ecstatic because he was going to be an uncle because thanks to him marrying Sandy he was Kc's legal brother now. Which meant when I married Kc my best buddy would be my legal brother-in-law.

Klayton didn't care about legalities of the situation, he was going to be not only my babies uncle as well, but I already promised him Godfatherhood. JD was a complete worrywart from then on always checking on his future baby sister, and so happy he was in tears off and on during the day. Costa he was trying to hold in his happiness, but bless him he was very happy too, so he took it out on all of us by humming and whistling while he did his routine chores. Xristos began to follow Kc everywhere as if wanting to defend her against anything that would get too close to her, but when he snapped and gave a lot of warning growls to Mickey and Sully when they moved in too close to her, I told him to knock it off, that it was ok.

The evening began to surround us as the sun slowly went down to sleep, when we all got comfortable gathered around the fire, and had very little to talk about, when we all heard a lot of movement coming from the brush around us, and slight growls and a few partial howls. Xristos stood up and moved back and forth very unsubtly and began to growl viciously. I stood up and stoked the fire to make it hotter, brighter, and taller as I asked Stoney what he thought it was. Without moving his head away from our surrounding area he said wolves and added that they weren't coming on a neighborly call. I walked over to him as I hand signaled Xristos to stay by Kc's side and keep her safe, then asked Stoney if he thought they were brass enough to attack them with a group this big and with the fire so high and bright.

Stoney slowly turned to me and said any animal hungry enough will attack no matter what's around us. Stoney without looking told all the girls to get to the center of the camp right by the fire and stay together. Then he told all us guys to grab a lit chunk of wood from the fire and stand around the girls because they weren't going to give up this time, and that very soon we all were going to be waist deep in a pack of hungry fucking wolves, but we had to fight them off with sticks, fists, clubs anything we had, because all they needed was to get just one person separated from the group and they would have their meal, and that person would be S.O.L. Mickey looked sarcastically at Stoney and said what did that mean...He chuckled at him and said shit out of luck.

Moments later they indeed attacked, I couldn't believe how many there were...I've never known a wolf pack to have so many. I was always told that wolf packs usually have 6 or 7 wolves but this was a pack of almost thirty wolves strong. They jumped us no matter how much we hollered, screamed, and fought them off, every third attack one of us would get mauled pretty good before beating it off of us, but we all stood our ground and kept hitting them with the clubs of fire. It wasn't until C-top got knocked down that he was covered in wolves, he tried to punch and kick them off, but there were too many of them, I hollered at Stoney to tighten up the circle as I jumped out of it and got C-top out of the wolves. But I saved one just for the wolves to get to one of the girls that was just sitting further from the others, and they got a hold of her, and pulled her away from all of us Mickey and Sully wanted to go to her aid but no matter how much it tore at Stoney and me, we ordered them to keep their ground around the fire, because whoever it was, she was dead already.

But I did quickly looked back at the girls just to see if my Bess was still with me safe and sound, as soon as I saw her looking at me, I relaxed and had some extra strength to fight them off with, I don't know really where it came from, but in my heart I told myself that it was coming from my unborn child. C-Top was hurt very badly but was still trying to stand up and fight the wolves off with the rest of us guys but a few of the wolves managed to slip by him and attack the girls again, only this time they were in for a surprise, they got just a little too close to Kc and Xristos went loco on them and beat the shit out of those three wolves at the same time, just then I realized that our wolf was in fact, an alpha male and he considered us to be his pack. 

After beating the three unwanted guests that was too close to his females, he slowly paced in between Stoney and me and stared hollowly at the other so-called lead wolf and walked very stiff-legged over to him with his tail straight up in the air and his hair standing on end and showing his teeth. Xristos was challenging the other one for dominance and leadership. None of us even had a chance to blink when the fight commenced, and they were fighting for blood. It seemed like it lasted forever, but in all reality, it only lasted about thirty minutes and Xristos was on top with the other wolf dead at his feet. But instead of taking leadership of the other wolves he ran them off away from us. He chose to keep us as his pack and protect us from all of them. I rushed over to Bess and asked her if she was alright, Stoney seen to C-Top then worked his way down the line to the others, while I took care of Xristos and the battle wounds he had. Then we all gathered around what was left of the person the wolves killed and found out that it was Abby, we buried her quickly then tried to get some much-needed sleep while keeping one eye open and both ears.

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