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When I finally woke up from the nightmare I thought I was in, I quickly realized that it was all too real. Klayton was leaning over me holding my head tightly using part of his undershirt as a bandage. I slowly tried to sit up as I tried searching for my Bess, Stoney gently pushed me back down and told me to lay still, because my head was very badly lacerated. I closed my eyes as I slowly and very emotionally asked him how many. Klayton gave a slow sigh and said four altogether, the two pilots were crushed instantly against the windshield & Cody and Dallas died while keeping a couple of the girls safe with their bodies. I reached out my hand and asked where my Bess was.

Sully came limping over toward us holding some string suitable enough to use for stitching and handed it to Klayton and said that Kyrie was probably the one person that was in the best condition with nothing but a few minor cuts and bruises and that she and a few of the others were quickly trying to go thru the wreckage of the plane to save anything of use that was salvageable before the plane ignited into flames. Stoney quickly stitched my head up for me and said I was all patched up, but I needed to take it very slowly for the next few days because he was almost positive that I had a mild concussion. I stumbled to my feet as I looked around aimlessly and asked him where in the hell were we.

Sully jokingly said somewhere in between our starting point and our final destination. Stoney walked over to him and slapped him on the head as he told him what a fucking genius he wasn't. Kyrie walked over to us all and said she, Karalea and Rachel salvaged all the stuff that was still useful, but it wasn't much, then she added that by the way, it was beginning to look out here, that we all needed to find some kind of shelter, and make a campfire, because she thought it was going to get very cold out here before morning. Costa walked over with his arm in a sling and said that he agreed, then added that it wouldn't be long till the sun goes down, and we would be a bunch of sitting dorks. JD walked up behind our brother and said the phrase was sitting ducks, not dorks.

It didn't take very long for two of the girls, to start griping and complaining about being hungry, thirsty and having to go to the bathroom. Mickey wasn't one to be very patient with all the whining and told them all to shut up and go behind a tree to take their piss and shit and stop with all the damn whining because we were stuck out in the fucking wilderness, and they just needed to learn to live and deal with that fact. Then he added that chances were that only half of us were going to survive this, and things would definitely get worse before anything got better.

Carrot-Top was over on the far side of all of us and was sitting on a fallen tree looking out into the deep wilderness sort of in a deep daze. Siera was sitting not too far from him but was staring deeply at what was left of the plane crying to herself hoping that she was just in a nightmare that she didn't wake up from yet, and when she woke up, we all would still be on the plane and almost to Paradise. But they both were suddenly snapped out of it when they heard strange noises coming from the darkened woods, and rushed back to where we all were standing with a little look of concern struck them, as most of the survivors looked at me and Klayton and asked what it was.

I looked at Stoney and told them that beens we all were stranded in the fucking woods, it was probably some kind of animal or group of animals. All the girls huddled in between all of us guys as Catherine asked if there were any carnivorous animals that were dangerous to us out there. JD said there was plenty of wild animals out there that were potentially dangerous to us, but the #1 concern right now was us all finding or making some kind of makeshift shelter and that fire for warmth, because freezing wasn't the best way or on his top five on his favorites list to die from or by. Kyrie looked around and began to grab some small sticks that covered the forest's floor, and started to make a small teepee shaped formation with the branches in a cleared area.

Abby, Zoey, Siera, and Kimberly all asked her what she was doing that we all were in a real crisis and she was playing around with sticks. Klayton saw me getting very dizzy and staggering from side to side and quickly sat me down and told me to stay there and rest. Then went over to my Bess and began to help her, because he knew that she was preparing a fireplace so we all could be a little warmer, plus fire would keep most of the wild animals away. After they finished their handiwork Klayton snickered and asked if she had a lighter, or any matches handy. Kc smiled up at him and said she had a human torch for a fiance, then added that he never ran out of fluid or flint.

But so I didn't have to get up again, she came over to me and jokingly asked me to light her fire, as she held part of her ripped shirt to me. I held the cloth in between my hands and closed my eyes for a moment then as if by magic the cloth burst into flames. Kc kissed me as she said she truly loved her magical man, then she tossed the cloth under the teepee of little branches and within minutes we all had a nice fire to keep us warmer, so we all gathered around it and snuggled together with jackets, and blankets that we salvaged from the wreckage and tried to sleep, while Stoney kept watch, and kept the fire burning brightly until mornings light.

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