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The next morning when everyone woke up, me and my wolf I decided to name Xristos because he was black with just a little white on his face and he had one green eye and one blue eye very unique for a wolf I thought. Anyway, we were long gone hunting for breakfast, Kc woke up a little worried about me when I wasn't laying beside her, but let it go and started the morning campfire. Klayton got up shortly after I did and headed out in search of some food as well, that and to, as he called it mark his territory. He got back first, with a little look of pride as he carried in a pretty good parcel of rabbits. For he and Sully made traps our of twigs and grass without us paying attention to them, and they sat them all around close to wild plum thickets where rabbits would normally go to hide.

Xristos and I weren't as lucky to catch land critters to eat, but we did make it back a little later with a stick stringer full of fish. So for the starting of the day, it was good but I didn't want to praise it so fast because it was just starting up, and I didn't want to put any kind of hex on us. Jd and Costa gladly cooked the fish, while Sully and Stoney cleaned and prepped the rabbits for a little later eating. Xristos was growing quite fast as I watched him sitting up on his hind legs begging Kc for a piece of fish, I thought it was rather adorable at how much he acted like a puppy instead of a wild wolf. 

After breakfast was over with I decided to take a nice relaxing dip in the stream that wasn't far from our campsite, and lifted my Bess up over my shoulder, and told everyone that we would be back shortly, that it was bath time for us. Xristos followed reluctantly behind us wanting to play in the water with us. But when he realized that we were being wrapped up in each other, he went to the other side of the creek and began playing with rocks and stones under the water close to the bank but when he got mad at a root that he couldn't pull up that was partially in the water and partially out...he took a wild leap into the water and swam around snapping at the water, and growling. While I was intently wrapped up with my sweet Bess, and for that moment we carried each other away from everything that has happened, and just lived for that moment of deep passion.

Meanwhile back on the other side of the campsite, we were currently in C-Top and Costa was walking around taking in the sites while Siera, Abby, and Karalea were gathering wild blackberries from the thicket. When out of nowhere a huge black bear emerged from the berry thicket defending his eating area, we all heard Siera's scream for she was closest to the bear as they all ran for safety. Except for Siera, she ran in the other direction from her panicking she lost her sense of direction. The bear chased her beens it considered her the weakest link since she was split up from the group. Klayton ran after her when he realized her screams were getting further away. He finally caught up to where he could see her and what she was running from, and he cut thru the trees so he could catch up to her before the black bear did, she relaxed a little when she saw Klayton was with her...but he wasn't sure he could save them.

They kept running clear until Stoney saw a clearing in front of them, so they ran for it...only for Stoney to grab her and pull her back very quickly because of the sheer drop off that was right beneath them, with nothing below but a raging river. The bear was still running toward them both at full speed, Klayton looked at the bear, then looked over at Siera and down into the river. He took a deep breath while trying very quickly to choose between the worse of the two evils, then he grabbed Siera and told her that they didn't have a choice they had to jump. Siera looked at him with extreme fear, as she said she rather die by the bear because she was deathly afraid of drowning. 

Klayton spun her around and said staying there with the bear was certain death, and that at least with the jump and the river they would have a 50/50 chance of surviving. Then without another word he grabbed onto her tightly then ran off the edge of the cliff with her screaming the entire way down. The Bear stopped at the ledge and looked down into the river, then headed off into the darkness of the woods giving up on his quarry. Moments after they jumped Klayton emerged from the rapids and as they river washed him further downstream he looked around while hollering for Siera because from the impact of the jump they were separated as soon as they hit the water. But there was no sign of her anywhere, Klayton fought with the river trying to swim against the current to make it to the bank. But after a long fight, the force of the river pulled spun him out of control just for a moment, but that moment was just enough for him to hit his head on a jagged rock, he was out for the count as the river washed him further downstream. 

Kc and I made it back to the campsite just in time to hear C-top rambling on about a huge black bear and something about Siera running the wrong way and Stoney chasing off after her, and that they both been gone for a long time, and neither of them came back yet. I grabbed my spear and the bag with the first aid kit in it and went to search for them in the direction C-top was pointing in. I followed the bear tracks as far as the cliffside where they jumped, and quickly looked down into the river and wondered if Stoney was crazy enough to jump...then I looked up and asked myself what the fuck was I thinking of course he was, because if a bear was chasing me I would have done the same thing. Sully and Kc made it up to me and looked down too...I told them that we had to search the riverbanks further downstream until we found them, or their remains.

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