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My brothers and I were having quite the colorful conversation about how many grandkids Kc and I were going to give our mom because she was always griping about not having enough grandbabies. I told them while I was laughing that I would personally let my Bess become a baby factory because making them was most of the fun. Luckily for me, Kc was sound asleep wearing her earbuds while listened to what sounded like Korn to me. Yep, my baby girl was absolutely perfect for me, she and I shared the same taste in movies, music, and we both loved magic. I taught her a few of my close-up magic effects and she was quite the fast learner and was always interested in learning more. I told her after we were married that I would gladly add her to my show if she really wanted to be apart of it.

Thirty minutes later, the cab pulled up at the Vegas airstrip and right after we pulled out all our luggage the driver hauled ass away from us before we could even pay him, I guess we really pissed him off for making him wait so long at Serenity, or he didn't like our sense of humor. All well, either way, it saved me fifty bucks so I was happy about that. We carried our luggage to the airport where we were instantly greeted by all our friends that were going to be traveling with us. It was quite a group, there was Silly Sully Erna and his wife Sandy, that just happened to be Kc's older sister. Then there was Stoney, aka Klayton Scott and his sister Rachel, that just happened to be dating my older brother Costa.

Then there was Sully's half-sister Kimberly and her boyfriend Mark, and his older brother Mickey Kostmayer. Mark, I didn't care for that much, but his older brother now, he was a pretty cool dude. Then there was Karalea Kostmayer she was their youngest sister, and very beautiful as well, she had a huge crush on Klayton, but he didn't realize it yet, and of course, I couldn't go on a vacation without my comic relief I had to invite Carrot-Top. Then there were a few of my fiance's old college friends coming along for our wedding as well they were, Abby, Zoey, Catherine, Siera and their boyfriends Cody and Dallas.

So it was safe to say we had quite an enormous group of people flying on my private plane this morning, but it wasn't going to be a boring flight with this merry crew, I was sure of that. There was going to be a lot of jokes, arguments, games, and laughs. Not to mention drinking, and doing a little partying during the flight, such was the fun when it was a private party flight, instead of flying public or coach or first-class flight. Stoney was the first one to put me in a bear hug as he asked if I was ready to tie the knot with this sexy vixen that was standing way too close to him for comfort, then he turned to her and lifted her into his arms as he told her he was going to have me accidentally left behind so he could marry her instead. 

Kc slid out of Stoney's arms and looked around and asked Sandy where Tommy was because she didn't see him anywhere. Sandy laughed a little bit as she told her sister that their crazy ass brother went on ahead of them and was soaking in the sun already beside their parents and my mom and sister-in-law. Then Sandy showed Kyrie a picture that their brother sent her half an hour ago. I slid in between Bess and her sister to take a peek at the picture and told them both that I was going to kick his little gothic ass when we got there because I knew that was my beer he was drinking. Tommy was a goth punk at heart, he just didn't have the sexy looks like Stoney & I did when I was goth or the hair, his hair was shoulder length, wavy, and black just like Kc's.

The only thing I could say about that boy was he was head to toe tattoo's, that he did himself. Some were very good, and some were a little iffy, but he was very creative. He also had a creative way of piercing himself. Sandy and Kc were always debating on if he was going pierce his lips closed one of these days from all the damned lip piercings he had. Yeah, the dumbass even almost bled to death when he tried piercing his tongue and hit the wrong place with the needle, but do you think he learned his lesson, hell no after it healed up, he turned around and did it again. Yep, Tommy was the last of the real dumbasses. But he was fearless which made him incredibly dangerous...to everyone including himself.

We were now all loaded on the plane and getting settled down for the long ass haul, but I was very content because I had my baby tucked in my arms and surrounded by my family and friends. We all listened as Kc and Sandy took turns telling stories about their crazy ass brother and all the dumb shit he's done in his life that almost killed his ass. But I thought the best part of the story was when Kc told us all about how Tommy tried to mimic some of my stunts and daredevil shit that I did during my episodes of Mindfreak on television.

The only difference was I was actually successful when I did them, and Tommy well all he did was hurt himself, but he gave everyone a good laugh because Sandy told us all that it was like one enormous blooper reel. But I knew old Tommy meant well, and he was a very cool guy, it was just that the poor bastard was very stupid, bless his heart. But I couldn't help but love the guy, after all, he was going to be my brother-in-law very soon. On the bright side to all of that, was that now instead of Jd worrying about me, he could spend all hours of the day and night worrying about him, because he was always doing something very dangerous and as I said earlier very, very stupid.

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