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    Will's heart was beating fast as he approached his crushes locker.


  Eleven stood beside Mike as they walked into school fingers intertwined.

"I can't believe this."

"Hmm?" El mumbled.

"I can't believe were together."

"We've been together since Halloween." El looked at him confused.

"I guess it just hit me, this is real life, and it feels so damn good."

"Bitchin'" El recalled the word the boys use when they go to the arcade.

Mike chuckled under his breath. As he walked down the hallway to their lockers.


Max could tell that Dustin wanted to go to the Snow Ball with her and she sort of changed her mind about the whole thing.

It would be stupid for her not to go, if El and everybody else was going.

She decided to play hard to get with him.

"Will you go to-" he repeatedly tried to ask and she came up with a funny response each time.

"To the arcade after school? Yeah totally," she said.

Dustin would just leave looking sad.

Maybe it was time to stop. Maybe it was time to say yes. Or....

"Dusty?!" She called across the hall, embarrassing him.

His face was a bright red as she strolled over to him, "what was that for!" He chuckled as he looked up at her.

"So i've been blowing you off lately, I'm sorry."

He looked confused for a moment, then she talked again, "and I know you want to go to the dance with me, so, I will."

"Seriously? I thought you hated dances."

"Changed my mind about this one."
She pulls him into a quick embrace, then struts off to class.

  Dustin looked up at her and sighed softly,

   What did i do to deserve her?


   Lucas shut his locker after grabbing his things for his first three periods.

  "Hey, Will! Whats up?" He asked cheerfully as he saw his best friend.

  "Can you meet me at 'Castle Byers' after school?"

   "Yeah sure. What for?"

   "It's a surprise."


Right after school Lucas got on his bike and rode to Will's house from Mirkwood.

   He glanced up at the Hawkins National Lab as he passed the place where Will first went missing.

Im so glad he's back.

    He leaned his bike against a tree and walked down to Will's small fort.

  "Hey Will," Lucas said cheerfully as he sat beside him. He looked at what Will was working on, "what are you drawing?"

  "Our party."

  "El, Me, You, Mike, Dustin, and Max."

   "Yeah," Will said as Lucas points to each of the people in the drawing.

  Will puts it away and looks up at Lucas.

    Lucas looks right back, "so what did you want to say to me?"

  "I just wanted to say thank you, for you know, being there for me throughout this," Will said quietly.

   "I told you, anything."

   Will put his head on Lucas' shoulder, "so I just wanted to ask if, you know, you could hang out with me at the Snow Ball?"

   "Yeah, totally."

  "Seriously? Thank you!"

   "Did you really think I would say no?"

   Will just chuckled.

I Wouldn't Mind- Stranger Things 2Where stories live. Discover now