Chapter 5- I Found

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*7 days after the previous chapter*
(Friday, November 30th, 1984)


"Billy!! Where is my sleeping bag?!"

"I don't know, dumbass!" Billy yelled from his room.

She threw the contents of her closet on the floor, "found it!" She took out a big blue bag.

Billy clambered into her room, "what the hell are you even using it for?"

"I told you, i'm going camping with my friend El," Max said stubbornly.

"In the middle of the winter?"

    "Yeah, you got a problem with that?"

   "A day without my bitch of a sister, sign me up."

"Real mature!" She yelled as he slammed her door shut.

She was going to get picked up by Nancy, Mike, Lucas, and El any minute now.


   "Nancy do you have our stuff?" Mike yelled up the stairs as him and El looked for supplies.

The two had already collected multiple blankets, flashlights, and snacks.

"The camp has a fire pit we can use even though it's winter," Mike told El.

"Fire pit?"

"It's a place we keep fire so we can make s'mores," he tells her, then quickly elaborates, "s'mores are these snacks made of chocolate, graham crackers, and marshmallows melted together."

El nods and continues looking for extra supplies.


   "Stay with the boys, make sure Nancy and Steve are with you guys."

  "Yeah, yeah, I know mom."

  "If anything freaks you out call me, alright?"

   "Yes, mom."  He says as he starts walking to the door with his stuff. To put it in the car. "Come on mom!"


  "Shit, shit, shit.." Dustin kept yelling while looking for his hat.

  "Mom?!" He called.

   "What, Dusty?"

   "Have you seen my hat?"

   "Not since yesterday."

"When is Will picking me up?"

"10 minutes," she called out.


"Erica! Where is my walkie talkie?" He called as he opened her door.

"Have you checked, I dont know, in your room?" She said as she sat on her bed, playing with her dolls.

He looked to the corner of the room, "you really don't have it?"


He walked over and dug it out of the closet, "okay."

She rolled her eyes.


The two cars filled with enthusiasm as they drove to their destination.

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