Chapter 3- The Beginning of the End

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(^Another Halloween pic^)



   When the song ended, Will and Lucas walked back to the table and sat down.



   "Do you want to go on a walk around the halls?"



  The kids walk to the 8th grade hallway to their lockers.

  "Come here."

  Will followed Lucas to his locker.

  Lucas put in his combination and took something from inside.

  "Okay," Lucas held out a piece of paper. "Someone was passing notes in class, and they passed this to you, but you never told anyone."

  The paper was a note that was written to Will.

  Lucas read aloud, "hey, gay zombie boy! You should just kill yourself already. if you ask me, you're already dead to most of us."

  Will looked down at the floor.

   "Will, why didn't you tell us about this?" Lucas asked.

   "I didn't want to drag you into this shit," Will said quietly.

   "Will, you can't just do this to us. what if you listened to this and did it?" Lucas said as tears formed in his eyes, "a-and we didn't even know you were going through this?"

  Will heart cracked as heard Lucas' voice start breaking.

  "I-I w-wouldn't be able t-to live with myself..." Lucas managed to get out before he wrapped his arms around Will.

  Will let out a gentle sob as he returned the other boy's embrace.

  Lucas loosened himself from Will's grip.

  Will looked up at him eyes red from tears, "I-I'm so-."

  Lucas smashed his lips onto Will's before he could finish.


Short Bylclair chapter

I wanted drama, I wanted them to cry together...

But finally a kiss tho.....

Maybe more?

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