Chapter 14- Talk to Me

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  Will spent most of his time in his room now, his mom wouldn't let him out of her sight.

   I shouldn't have done it. I should never had done that.

   Mike comes to visit sometimes, and on occasion, he can go to Mike's house.

    Dustin and Max also come to hang out, too.

   Lucas doesn't.

   Will missed seeing him, his advise, his enthusiasm. He missed everything.

    Joyce almost decided to homeschool him, but her job and Jonathan's were the only ways they got money.

   School was fine, no one really said anything to him anymore, which made him feel even more weird.

   Its just quiet.

   Too quiet.


   Lucas had been feeling the same, but didn't show it as much.

  Except for when they saw each other.

   Lucas really tried to talk to him, but Will would just turn and start talking to El or Mike...

   One time when that happened, Lucas couldn't take it. He got up and ran to the bathroom and sobbed.

Lucas got up from his bed, "Erika!"

"What?!" She called back.

"Where is my walkie talkie!"

"I dunno."

He walked right into her room and took the supercom from her hands, you "dunno"," he rolled his eyes.

   He hurries out of the room, "anyone there?"

   No answer.

   "Will? If you are please answer, I want you to talk to me."


   On the other side of the line, Will was listening.

   "Please, I want to talk to you!" Lucas was saying.

   He pressed the button, "I'm here."

   Will heard a sigh of relief on the other line, "I miss hearing your voice."

   Will chose his words carefully, "yeah, I miss your's too."

   "Im sorry."

   "Lucas-" Will knew he would play that card, "can we meet up somewhere?"

    "Yeah- umm, the arcade at 1?"

    "Ill be there, over and out."


"Im going to the arcade with Lucas!" Will called as he slammed the door behind him, knowing Joyce would object.

He decided to walk today, because of the beautiful snow that had just fallen.

Christmas was in a few days, so the snow was nice, not annoying.

   When he breathed out a cloud of condensation appeared around his face.

    He strolled down the streets of downtown Hawkins, waving at a couple as they passed him.

   Why can't I have what they have.

    Will sighed and walked into the parking lot of the arcade and inside.

    "Will!" Lucas was waiting right there. He ran up and wrapped his arms around him.

   Will sighed and rested his head on Lucas' shoulder.

  "I missed you."

   "I missed you too."

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