Chapter 16- The Friends

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(The next day)


   It was winter break, two days until "Christmas", some special holiday where people get gifts for each other.

   She wanted to go to Max's to ask her about what to get people.


   "Yes El?"

   "Im going to Max's to hang with her," she says sweetly.

   "Okay, but be home around 5:30 for dinner with Steve tonight," El nodded and walked out the door.



   She opened the door to let her friend in, "hey El!"

   "Hi Max!" She said excitedly, "can you tell me a bit about Christmas, I want to know what to get Mike and the others."

   "Come in, my room is right up here."

   "Hey shithead!" Billy calls from his room.

    "What the hell do you want!" Max growls.

   El looked confused.

   "Did you take my cigarettes?!"

   "Why the hell would I?!" El follows her into her room.

    "Im sorry about him," Max says as she locks her door, "thats my step-brother, Billy."

   "How do you deal with him?"

   "Im not home most of the time, and he has to cooperate around my mom and his dad," Max sits on her bed.

  "So why do people have Christmas?"

    "Well, religious people have a story, basically its this dude named Jesus' birthday. Don't ask who he is it's complicated, but basically people get gifts from their friends and families," she continues.

   "What do people normally get?"

    "It depends... but people write Christmas lists sometimes."

   "What should I get Mike?"

    "Well, he likes nerdy stuff, but I'm pretty sure, since it's from you, he'll want something special."

"I have no idea," El started getting sad, "he's probably had my gift in his mind for a while now."

"Hey, he's probably in the same situation as us." Max reassures her.


"Calm down, Mike!"

"I don't know what to get her! It has to be perfect! It needs to be as beautiful and amazing as her!"

"Come on, man, if she's that perfect, you would know what to get her already."

Mike put his head in his hands, "I should."

"What about a necklace or bracelet?"

"Maybe- thats perfect!" He starts rummaging around his room for his piggybank, "I've been saving up for a while."

I thought he'd spent his money at the arcade!

"Eighty dollars and twelve cents."


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