Chapter 17- The Gift

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There was a jewelry shop near the edge of town, about a fifteen minute bike ride.

"Will, you there?"

"Whats up, Mike, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, I need your help."

"Tomorrow is Christmas Eve and I need to find El a present, I want to get her a necklace or something."

"I'll meet you there ," Will knew where to go, it was the only jewelry shop in town.

    Mike needed to find something perfect for her, he knew how hard it would be, but El needs something as perfect as her.

    Mike arrived at the jewelry store, and waited outside for Will.

A few minutes later, Will arrived and walked into the store with Mike.

"I dont know how to do this, Ive never done this before," Mike said nervously.

"Neither have I," Will said, "but i'm pretty sure you just ask to see what you like, and if it looks good, then you buy it."

"Are you sure I have enough for something?"

"You're good, Mike, as long as you get it, she'll love it," Will retorted.



   "What about like a promise ring or something?"

   "No, boys don't wear that, Max," El replied.

   "Some do..."

   "What about like a picture of us?"

   "Thats cute, but sort of basic," a lightbulb lit in her head, "what if we get it a fancy frame or something!"

   "Yeah, we have to buy it though," El said.

   "I have some money I can lend you, and i'm sure you have some around your house."



   After scrounging around for a while, they found a grand total of $34.22.

   "Thats enough to get something nice!"

   "Its 5:30, we should go get it before the stores close!"


   Max, made Billy drive the two there, after lots of yelling between the step-siblings.

   El felt sort of uncomfortable, but she kept it to herself.

   Max was her closest girl friend, so she had to keep her close.

   When they got to the store (a small jewelry store on the edge of town, that sold some beautiful frames), they noticed a few bikes outside, but they assumed it was somebody else.

   El and Max walked inside and went straight to the isle of crystal encrusted  and marble frames.

   El started looking around at some, when Max noticed something, above the quiet music, she hear two voices she knew well.

    "No, it needs to make her eyes shine brighter!" Mike.


   "Hey El!" She looked up, "I'm going to go look on the other side of the store, for some gifts for my mom? Okay?"



    She peeked around the corner of the isle that she heard the voices coming from.

   Will and Mike were looking at the jewelry.

   "It's not pretty enough!"

   "Calm down mike!"

   Will was pretty close to Where Max was, so when Mike got distracted, she reached out and dragged him into the other isle.

   "We have an issue!"

   "Max! Holy crap, you scared the hell outta me!"

    "Keep it down," she put her hand over his mouth, "as I was saying, we have a problem. El is on the other side of the store shopping for Mike."

   "And Mike is shopping for her," he said still muffled by her hand.

   "Sorry," she removed her hand and stepped back a bit.

   "How long have you been here?" He asked.

    "I dont know, seven minutes?"

   "Does she know what she wants?"

   "Not specifically, she wants a frame for a picture of them."

   He smiled for a bit, "he wants some kind of piece of jewelry for her."

   "And by the looks of it, he's really picky."

   "Thats an understatement."

   "Hey, Will, I found someth-" he saw Max, "Max? What are you doing here?"

   "Browsing," she smiled convincingly.

   Just then she hears footsteps behind her, "Mike?"

   "El?" He quickly put the necklace he was holding behind her back and she did the same with her frame.

   "Yeah- um, we should get going." Max said.

   El walked towards Mike and gave him a peck on the cheek, "I'll see you at home."

   "Goodbye, El."

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