Chapter 13- Our Night

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"We're going on a date," Mike told her as he took her hand and walked her out the door.

"Be back by nine!" Nancy called.

"Okay!" Mike took his coat off the hook and slammed the door behind them.

"What are we gonna do?"

"I'll show you," he took out his bike and gestured her to get on, "like old times?"

She hopped on.


They rode down to a little ice rink.

"Im going to show you how to ice-skate."


"Here," he takes some skates from the rental rack and laces them on her feet.

He puts some on himself too.

El tries to stand up but stumbles down.

"Hey, I can help." He takes her hand and leads her to the rink.

He slides onto the ice and lets El cling on to the side.

"People do this for fun," Mike tells her as he skates back up to her.

"It's hard," El says, still clinging to the side.

"Baby steps," Mike takes her hands and skates backwards, "see?"

El's foot gets caught on a jagged piece, causing her to fall onto Mike.

"Sorry!" She says climbing off of him.

He laughs, "its fine," he leans into her face and kisses her gently.

She smiles then kisses back.


They soon arrived at a small coffee shop on Jackson Street.

Mike parked his bike and helped El off, "have you ever had hot chocolate before?"

El looked confused.

"Here I'll show you," Mike took her hand and led her into the shop.

"Sit down here, Im going to go get us something to drink," He told her as he found an empty booth.


   "Two hot chocolates, please." He told the worker.

   "Whipped cream?"

   "Yes, please," he glanced back at El who was inspecting the room.

"First date?"

"Sorta, we went to a dance together," Mike looked up at the face of the cashier. "Jonathan?"


"You work here?"

"Yeah, but only when my mom gives me permission," he said as another worker hands him the drinks, "here you go."

"Thanks," he takes the drinks and strolls back to Eleven.

"Here, El," he hands her the drink, "be careful, its hot."

"Let me show you what I do," Mike told her.

She listened intently as he demonstrated.

"So you take the top off, then you take a coffee stirrer that is basically a straw, and you mix it a little while blowing in it to cool it down."

She did the same, and snuggled up against his side.

"Thank you for teaching me all of this." She wraps her arms around him.

"I love you," he returns the embrace.

"I love you, too."

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