Chapter 15- A Favor

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"Hey Keith?!" Lucas yelled.


"I'll bring you some more cheese puffs tomorrow if you let me and Will borrow the back room," Lucas said, hinting they needed to talk alone.

"Fine, don't -you know- do anything in there."

Will looked at him, disgusted.

"We won't," Lucas said, took Will's hand and followed Keith to the back.


"I miss you," Lucas finally said.

"I miss you too, but I really want to know the context of what happened."

"Okay," he took a breath before continuing, "After you fell asleep, I watched over you, but I couldn't sleep. I walked outside, saw Max. We talked for a little," Lucas started looking at his feet as tears formed in his eyes, "I lied to her, I told her the dance was only a favor," he let out a sob.

   Will sat down, his eyes dull, "is that all I am to you, a favor?"

   "Will, no," Lucas looked up, "you are everything to me."



   Lucas gulped, "she said she wasn't really that into Dustin, then she said she liked someone else, then kissed me."

   "And from what I saw, you didn't pull away," Will stated, still emotionless.


   "I-I really thought I could t-take this.." Will started sniffling, "I don't think I can anymore," the two were now full on crying.

   "Im so sorry."

   "I can't." Will wiped his tears and ran through the arcade and to his bike.

  Lucas stared after him, eyes red and face covered in tears.

Not again.


   Will got on his bike and rode down the street to the coffee shop.

   I can't go home looking like this.
    He ordered himself some hot chocolate and payed with his arcade money.

   He sat in his booth looking out at the street when he heard someone approach, "hey."

   There she was, the girl who his boyfriend cheated on him with.

   "I heard you two at the arcade... this is all my fault." Max said as she sat across from him.

   "Thats an understatement," Will muttered into his mug.

   "I understand if you want me to leave the party," she tells him.

   "I couldn't do that to Dustin," he says a little more clearly, "he still cares about you."

    She looked almost as guilty as Lucas did, "I didn't think Lucas was lying about you two."

   "I can't even talk to him without breaking out into sobs..." he took a sip from his drink.

   "Im sorry, Will. I never meant to hurt you," Max's voice quavered.

   "Its okay."


Sorry if you guys dont really like the Will x Lucas stuff, but I'm gonna work on some juicy Mileven and (Whatever Billy and Karen's ship name is).... which means Mike and Max would be effected... I haven't really talked much about them, because I started the first book before s2.... I hope you guys like this so far....

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