Chapter 20- Seeing Again

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I stared at myself in my mirror, just thinking.

   Everyone was going to my house later to exchange gifts.

   Lucas was going to be there.

   I got him something from before Max- I forgot to give it to him earlier.

   It was just a drawing... him and me- in the hall during the Snow Ball. I kinda made it look like being with him was the only time I ever saw in color- everything else was bleak and boring. (Except for my friends). It was like the colors were bleeding out onto the rest- my best drawing- in my opinion.

It was like I was finally seeing clearly.

I snap out of it and finish getting ready just as Mike, Max, and El walk in.

I concentrate on the others, while avoiding Max.

I smile and invite them into the living room, next to the Christmas tree.

"Hey guys- It's good seeing you." My words felt like they had no meaning, just as if I was just a black hole.

I could tell Mike noticed something was wrong, "you look tired," he comments.

I rub my eyes, "do I?"

He blinks before changing his gaze from me and turning to the door where Lucas and Dustin had just come from.

I still avoid eye contact, My heart started beating quicker.

He looked good- normal clothes, maybe a little newer, from Christmas. He carried a few things, just gift bags. But there was one little box- golden trim around the edges.

I glance back at my gifts under the tree. His was just in an envelope, his name written in cursive on the front.

As I lift my head, I take a quick glance at my mom- next to Hopper, looking at me.

She was really worried about me, I could tell. I never really had to tell her about my friends or my love life, she kinda just knew.

I could tell she knew about Lucas, that I was gay, I just never brought it up.

So, when she saw how uncomfortable I was, she said, "Hey, Will?"

I look up.

"Can you help me out with snacks?"


When I walk over, she says, "it's Lucas isn't it?"


"I know something happened... when you hang out- its never the same."

I open up some chips and stay silent.

"Will," she takes my hand, "you've been through so much."

I turn and hug her.

"You deserve happiness," she pushes my hair out of my eyes, "go get it."

I glance back at Lucas who is silently sitting on the couch- alone.

"Okay," I whisper softly.

I feel her eyes on my back as I walk to him, but I grab his present before I approach him.

"Can we talk?"

He looks up at me before silently nodding.

I notice he has been fiddling with the little box he walked in with.


When we step outside the door we see the light snow that had begun to fall.

I sit on the stair and close my eyes- breathing in the cold air.

I could feel him sit next to me, his warm arm brushing against mine.

"I don't know how I was so stupid," is the first thing he said.

I turn my soft gaze to his face.

He's staring at his feet, I can see his eyes beginning to fill with tears.

"I miss you," his voice breaks and those tears I was talking about fell down his cheeks.

I lightly graze my hand across his cheek, "it's okay."

I wipe away the tear that fell and gently lift his chin with my fingers and press my lips to his.

   We just stay like that for a little, it was like we had finally seen clearly again.

   He gently pulls away, but stays close enough for me to feel his warm breath on my face, "I have something for you."

   He gently hands me the box, and I silently open it.

   Its a picture. Jonathan had taken it of us when I was cooped up in the hospital.

   He stayed with me, even skipped school just to make sure I was okay.

   "Thank you." He rests his forehead against mine.

   "I have something for you too."

   I hand him it, and he opens it.

   "Will, this is perfect." His voice drifts into my ears, even though it was a low whisper, "almost as perfect as you."

   I wrap my arms around his torso.

   "I love you," he says quietly.

    "I love you, too," I reply, my head pressed against his warm body.

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