Chapter 1- The Time Before

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(The pic is me in my Halloween costume, I dont know why)


Will looked into the mirror at himself.

I don't look good enough for him... But I guess this will have to do. Plus, he doesn't even know I like him!

Will just looked at his hair,

Ughhhh, I hate it.

So he took some gel and a comb.
Put it in his hair and brushed it up from over his face.

(I was going for a newer vibe so like Noah's hair in this pic)

(I was going for a newer vibe so like Noah's hair in this pic)

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He knew it was different, but he didn't care. He liked it and was sure Lucas would like it too.

When he walked out of the bathroom, he felt the the earth sort of vibrate underneath him.

Then he looked down and noticed, it wasn't this world

It was just like home, but it was dark and cold.


El sat in her room looking through some old dresses Nancy had for her.

She had already worn a pink one, maybe blue would be cute.

She chose a blue dress, of almost the exact style of her old pink one. It had red dots and a red belt.

"Nance?" She called into her room, "can you help me with my hair?"

"Yeah, I'll be in in a moment!"

After she got the dress on, Nancy started straightening her hair.

"I wore that dress to my first Snow Ball, too." Nancy told her.

"Did you have a date?" El asked.

"No, back when I was little, people didn't like each other in the way you and my brother do."

"So what is happening with you and Jonathan?"

She went red for a moment, "I don't like him like that."

El nodded, unconvinced.


"I don't understand why you have to do my hair, mom!" Max growled under her breath.

"Don't you want to look nice for that date of yours?"

"Dustin is my friend, not a date, mom."

"Of course."


  I have been waiting for this day for a year, and its here.

   He was itching to see El in her dress and dance with her.

    We can finally go to the Snow Ball...


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