Chapter 2- The Snow Ball

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  As he walked into the Snow Ball, he could feel the eyes of his peers on him.

   He could feel embarrassed, but he didn't want to. Turned out the kids didn't even really care, they actually liked his hair.

  "Lookin' good Byers!" Mike said as he walked up to the table.

  "Thanks, bro." He says as Mike's eyes focus on something behind him.

  He turns around, there stands El, looking beautiful as ever, "Go get her," Will smiles.


El had on a beautiful dress of Nancy's. Her makeup matched her dress almost perfectly and her hair was tamed out of her face, but still kept slightly curly.

"You look beautiful," he smiles when the two meet in the middle of the room. She blushes and looks into his eyes.

Every Breath You Take by The Police comes on the speakers as the two stand there.

"Do you wanna dance?" Mike asks her.

"I don't know how," El says shyly.

"I don't either, do you wanna figure it out?"

El nods and takes his outstretched hand and he takes her to the dance floor.

"Okay, like this," he places her hands on his shoulders and puts his around her waist.


Dustin and Max were near the dance floor, talking when Max says, "I'm bored do you wanna dance?"


So Max and him went out onto the floor and danced.


   Will sat down at the table the kids chose. He was alone, but a girl came up and asked him to dance.

  "I-I'm sorry, I- was waiting for someone." He let her down gently.

  "Of course." She smiled slightly, then walked away. By the time she wasn't visible anymore, Lucas had come up beside him and sit down.

   "You like her?" Lucas asked.

   "Nah, she's nice, though."

   "So, whats with the hair?"

   "I dont know, I guess I just wanted a change,"  Will said while looking at the ground.

  Lucas leans across the table and runs his fingers through Will's hair to neaten it up, "it looks really good."

    Will blushes. Then he looks at the dance floor. "You should go dance with someone."

  "Thats why I was over here," Lucas got up and held his hand out, "dance with me?"

   Will looked shocked, but took his outstretched hand.

   They headed out to dance, when Will asked, "can we just stay away from my brother? He's taking pictures."

   Lucas nods, and puts his arms around Will's small waist.

  My first dance.

   Will smiled and put his hands on Lucas' shoulders.


   As the two sway to the music, Mike decides he needs to do something.

  He leans close to El, and kisses her gently.

  She kisses back, and then looks up into Mike's brown eyes and leans her forehead against his chin.


Dustin and Max were sort of winging it.

Neither of them knew how to dance.

Max was sorta compelled to make something happen between them, but she wanted to give them some time.

She felt it was better for both of them to take it slow, so she just hugged him.


Maybe dancing with Will wasn't just a nice gesture, maybe he really did feel something for the small boy:

He did feel a spark every time the boy blushed at his comments, or when he gets all nervous about dancing with a guy.

"Hey, Will it's fine." He would tell him every time someone looked at them strangely. "Just focus on me."

And he did, after awhile, he just kept his eyes on Lucas the entire time.

"You're doing great, Will."

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