Chapter 10- Frozen

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     Mike and El woke up everyone and coaxed them to drive them to Will's.

   "He's in danger?"

   "What do you mean?!"

   "I just know," El says, "drive faster!"


    They arrived at Will's house and jumped out of the car.

  They knocked on the door until Joyce answered.

  "El says Will is in danger," Hopper told her as the kids rushed into the house.

   Lucas ran straight for Will's room, where he finds his messed up bed.

   "He's not inside!"

   The kids ran for the back door and ran to the yard.

  "Castle Byers," Lucas breathed.

   He ran straight for the fort with his flashlight.

   "Will?!" He yelled. He didn't get a reply.

   He burst through the door, "Will?"

   He saw him, eyes closed, looking smaller than ever.

  "Will, It's Lucas," he whispered as he got close to him, then he realized.

  When he reached out for Will's hand, he didn't feel Will's energy, he felt frozen, lifeless.

   "W-Will?" He kneeled beside him. He wrapped his arms around Will, "Please, please, wake up!"

   His body was frigid, he was gone.

  Lucas knew it, he was too late.

  Lucas leaned in for one last kiss, one long, gentle, sweet, perfect, kiss, it would've been.

   I killed him. I killed my best friend. I killed my boyfriend, and they know it.

   He stayed there arms wrapped around him sobbing the most loud, pained, sobs ever.

Lucas' sat there and pressed his head against the boy's chest.

Was that something? He heard a low constant sound, a heartbeat.

  "Will?" He whispered as he lifted the boy up and ran to the house.

   "I found him!" Lucas yelled out before turning his back to the house.

   He ran into Will's room and laid him on the bed.

   "Get more blankets! Heaters! Anything!"

   Will was so small, Lucas knew he would be scarred.

   Lucas pulled up a chair so he could watch him.

   Somehow Hopper had gotten there, and was searching for heaters. The other kids and teens had been looking too, but Joyce, Jonathan, Mike, and Lucas were too worried.

   Mike was sitting at Will's feet trying to warm them up, Joyce and Jonathan sat opposite Lucas who held Will's hands.

   Jonathan and Joyce were probably confused at Lucas, but he concentrated on the boy's face.

   After everyone found heaters they gathered in Will's room.

   Everyone was silent and concentrated on Will.

Then, Will's eyes fluttered.

"Will?" Joyce whispered.

His eyes opened slightly as he looked up at the sky. "Did it work?"

"What?" Mike asked confused.

"Am I dead yet?"

"What?!" Joyce shouted in confusion.

He tried to kill himself because of me.

"Will, its me, Mike," Mike said, "you're fine, Eleven told us, she saved you."

Will sighed, "Thank you, El."

"Oh my god," Joyce sobbed as Hopper helped her up.

"Come on, everyone, lets give Will and his family some space," Dustin said as he ushered them out of the room.


I was so close to killing Will off, but then im like, HELL NO my innocent wholesome baby deserves the world and all of the peace ever

Thank all y'all for 20k on the first part of this duo!


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