Chapter 19- Chrismas

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The rest of the day after Mike's nightmare was basic.

Christmas Eve was basically only given a "special" name because it was the day before the best holiday of all time.

   After all the kids opened their things at their houses, they would go to Mike's to exchange gifts on Christmas.

Eleven had been really helpful throughout the day, but she went shopping with my mom later that night for the other kids.



    El's eyes fluttered open as light filtered through her window, but it wasn't the light that woke her up.

At the end of her bed Holly stood, "El- wake up!"

"Hey, Holls."

"Get up! Santa came!"

El stood up and fixed her hair in the mirror.

   What is Santa?

  Of course Mike and the others explained the gist of it, but a fat guy who crawls down your chimney, and eats your food in exchange for gifts? Thats frickin' terrifying.

She threw on some clothes and hurried down the stairs after the child.

The room seemed brighter than it did last yesterday. From the stairs she could see the fresh snow.


She turned the corner into the living room, where she crossed paths with Mike for the first time that day.

"Good morning," El smiled warmly.

"Merry Christmas," he took her hand and led her to the couch where the full stockings had been put.


A lot of wrapping paper later, the Wheelers were done opening presents.

The kids got a break to play with their new gifts while Mrs. Wheeler made breakfast.

El was actually really happy with what she had gotten. She got a few boxes of Eggos, but they were different flavors. She also got some clothes and one of these things called a "cabbage patch kid". It was interesting.

Mike got a whole bunch of clothes and action figures, Nancy got makeup and clothes, and holly got a doll and some stuff for dress up.

In the kitchen, Mrs. Wheeler called to Mike and El, "Max's brother is gonna pick you up at six!"


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