Chapter One - Rediscovery

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This is from 6  years ago so it needs editing desperately. There may be some minor inconsistencies and for those I apologise. (I also apologise for the horrod way I've spelt Hayden in this story)

A little help with the pronouncing, . 

Haddiean Perry (Pronounced like Hayden) 

Benji (pronounced like it obviously is) 

Jody Tate (Pronounced Jodie) 


Chapter One - Rediscovery

'Come on Baby, go to sleep' I crooned to my son 'Come on Benji, be good for mumma'  

Benji just cried even louder and waved his arms around. I sighed and sat down on the rocking chair in the corner of the room, blinking tiredly.  

'Benji baby, mumma has school tomorrow, go to sleep sweetie'  

Still he didn't calm down.  

'Are you hungry baby?' I asked as he clutched at my breast.  

Pulling my shirt down, I sighed when he latched on, finally, he was settled, then I could get some sleep and drag my fat ass out of bed to get ready for my first day back at school tomorrow.  

As Benji stopped suckling I glanced down at him guiltily, realising I'd forgotten about him. 

I pulled my shirt back up, and set him at my shoulder and rubbed his back, he snuggled against me, hooking an arm around my neck.  

He burped softly and I walked over to the crib and laid him down on his tummy and stroked a hand over his black curls. Just like his daddy, I thought pain pulling at my belly as I thought of Haddiean.  

My beautiful Haddiean.  

Haddiean who didn't know about his baby son.  

I'd been going out with Haddiean for a two years when he'd had to move away. It broke my heart, and it hurt even worse when barely a week later I'd found out I was pregnant.  

I'd taken off as soon as I could and stayed with my half sister for the duration of the pregnancy, everyone thought I'd left because of the memories of Haddiean. And I preferred to keep it that way. 

I wasn't ashamed of Benji; I could never be ashamed of my beautiful baby boy. I loved everything about him, his head of curls and beautiful hazel eyes. They way he laughed at almost anything, and the way he clung to me when he cried. 

Tomorrow I was going to be starting back at school. When I'd been pregnant and during the first few months of Benji's life, I'd been doing distance education. My mum insisted that I keep going with my education if I wanted to keep the baby, which I did, who could kill a life like that? So innocent and small? She and dad helped me to organize everything, and supported me through everything. I loved them so much, and in the last fortnight since I'd moved back in, they'd been great. 

I looked down at Benji, who slept peacefully. Thinking of tomorrow, the day that I'd be starting my new life and how I'd be away from Benji for 6 hours, I shuddered and gave into my urge.  

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