Part Seven: Fries Before Guys

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Arriving at the Reilly's, we decided to sit at a table in the corner. I couldn't stand the loud jabbering all around me. I ordered a burger with fries and a big coke. The morning-after thirst was kicking in. I felt incredibly hungry and gulped down the fries as soon as the waitress delivered the plate to our table. "Sorry Chris, I'm afraid I can't talk until I'm done with this fine piece of meat." "I see haha", he said nibbling on his burrito. Afterwards we ordered a milkshake. And damn was it good. I felt like I was in heaven but in calorie hell at the same time.

I sipped on the milkshake with relish when Chris looked at me examining. "Soo... Do you think Lara could be somehow into Chad?", he asked. I barely spit my milkshake into his face laughing. "Are you kidding? She's already talking about kids and stuff." "Uhhh.. ok.. I'm not quite sure if he's out for it.. but he seemed pretty desperate that they didn't exchange numbers. You don't have that from me though", Chris said. "Yeah, and Lara doesn't really plan on getting his babies just yet, so don't panic. She ain't that crazy haha." Chris smirked. "And by the way. The Chilis are playing the Roxy next friday. Chad wanted me to make sure you guys are coming. Tickets are on him." I hesitated. I mean, I was glad that Chad seemed serious with Lara. But I didn't really feel like seeing John. Every time I thought about him I felt sick. I'd probably puke right in front of his feet. Who does this guy thinks he is? I was so caught up in my thoughts, I totally forgot to answer. "Um.. is that a bad idea actually? I can tell him you got other plans. No big deal", Chris suggested. "Ohhh.. naah. I was just thinking, sorry. You can tell Chad we'll be there!", I smiled. "Cool. I think Tony will be happy to see you too. I think he's into you", Chris said. I breathed deep. I thought I showed him I'm not interested by shrugging off all of his flirting attempts. "Uhh.. he's not quite my type actually. Fuck. Did I act otherwise?", I asked. "Not that I'd know. He was also kinda worried you had a thing for John though. Did like.. anything happen between you guys?", he asked carefully.

Oh god. Should I tell him? His sudden closeness to the band got me worried he'd tell them. But on the other hand, he's one of my longest friends. "Hmmm. Yeah, it did actually", I started, which seemed to upset him. When he'd get nervous, he'd always rub his nose. One of his quirks. "Calm down Chris, it's not what you think", I quickly added. "So we were having a smoke. And I could already feel it build up. He started touching me, giving me the eyes. Out of nowhere he asked me to leave the place. Well.. of course I said no right away. Which he didn't take too good really. He told me something like there're thousands of girls willing to take my place, I'm not even joking. He literally thinks he can have any girl because he's in the Chilis. What the hell? So.. we had a pretty nasty start. This is actually why I hesitated coming on friday before. But I don't want to blame the rest of the band for what their guitarist has said to me. And if Lara's going to marry Chad, I'd better get to know him first haha", I said. I didn't want to talk about John any longer. "Yeah, I see K. I'm sorry. If I saw that coming, wouldn't 've let you leave with John in the first place. He actually seemed quite chill, y'know?", Chris said. "Ha, that's what L said. But to me he's just the typical all-into-himself-oh-so-creative dude", I said. "Yeah, probably", Chris agreed. "I just hope Chad's nothing like that. But he managed not to sexually harass L. So he's okay for now, I guess haha", I said.

We stayed there talking about our plans for the week. Me actually caught up in work, him recording in the studio with the Chilis. They had booked the whole week to record a couple of songs. I just really hope Chris manages to shut his mouth about John.

When I checked my watch the next time, I remembered the probably still-not-able-to-move Lara still lying on my couch. She must've been dead by dehydration or starvation or both. Poor girl. "Hey Chris, I totally forgot I have this zombie lying on my couch that wants to get fed. I guess I gotta go", I said. "You mean Lara?", he laughed. I nodded. "A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do. Tell her I said hi!", Chris said. We payed and I left for my apartment.

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