Part Seventy-Three: Your Ex-Girlfriend

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Daily routine has kicked in again. I was back at work but it was way more chill because Ryan was already on holiday and I had three weeks to start to prepare the next semester. Then I'd be free, too and finally get to visit my family again.

I was just figuring out if the task I'd come up with was too tough for the freshmen and chewed on my pencil when the phone rang. I usually never got calls. They all called Ryan first which always annoyed her.. because she had an assistant, duh...

"UCLA, Office Ryan, Kaya Davis speaking." I was greeted with a warm laughter. "Red Hot Chili Peppers, Office Frusciante, Michael Balzary speaking." I sighed. Flea. He was not the Chili Pepper I wanted to talk to now. I hadn't heard from John yet, I supposed they weren't in Austin yet.

"How are you Mikey? Arrived in Austin?" "Yeah yeah, a couple hours ago actually but were busy doing a radio appearance, had lunch and now we're at the hotel. How are you darling?" "Sounds tiring. I'm fine. Back at work, gotta keep the business running. How's John doing?" "Um.." chuckle. "Yeah.. he's fine." Another chuckle. "Well.. Chad and him got wasted again. I don't know if he's able to talk.. but he's gushing about you all the time."

I rolled my eyes. So much about calling me all the time. "I'd like to hear his voice though. Can you pass him for just a sec?" "Sure... Joooooooohnnn.. your princess on tha phooone." I heard him running to Flea and grabbing the phone with a loud noise and Flea screaming bye in between.

"Kaya?", he yelled out of breath. "It's me. Hi John." I heard him breath deep a couple of times. "Look John..I don't have much time. I'm at work. Just wanted to hear if you're doing good." "I love you so much", he answered. I shook my head and knit my brows. Did he listen? "Are you okay? How was the ride?" "Looong. And I'm sooo drunk. I'm sorry. I was gonna call you. I love you, I love you, I love you.. do you love me?"

I couldn't help but start to chuckle. "I love you, too. I gotta go. Call me, okay?" "Call..yeah. Love you Kaya. I miss you." "I miss you, too. Bye John", I said and hung up.

Those were definitely the most 'i love you's I ever got in one phone call. I leaned back in my chair and looked out of the window. I couldn't help but get annoyed by the fact that this touring shit started out that way. When would he have called if Flea hadn't?

But at the same time I tried to calm. It was his first tour. He was allowed to have some fun. I had to be more patient.

I decided to do my lunch break, went to the sandwich joint Lee and me always went to and grabbed cheese and lettuce. I sat down by the well and unpacked the sandwich when I noticed Lee sitting on the bench opposite to mine, held papers in his hands and looked to his watch and then up. Our eyes met and I blushed.

Now was the time to freak out. Our mouths stood open. Nobody waved or said hi. It was as if I called for help when Josh stopped by. He went over to Lee and sat down next to him. Then he noticed me and there we had it.. another open mouth. Luckily he shut it fast and walked up to me.

"Kaya.. hi.. this is strange. I was just gonna help Lee with his de-registration." I nodded. "Oh wow.. he's done already?" "Yup.. Look.. this is awkward. Will you come over? I think there's no bad blood. Or is there for you?" I shook my head and got up slowly, still holding my sandwich in my hand. It was like a lifebelt I held onto.

"Hi Lee", I said and tried to smile. "Hi.. cheese and lettuce? Good choice." "Yeah.. it's quite good. Heard you're through with your exams? How did they go." "Oh.. um.. not that well actually. But no big deal." "Ow.. I'm sorry."

Shit.. I bet my asshole behavior had something to do with it. Chit-chat with your ex-boyfriend with who you ended things in such a bad way as we did was.. well.. it was something. I was happy when Josh took me aside.

"Remember you wanted to call me this week?", Josh asked. Shoot.. rings a bell. "Yeah.. I'm sorry.. I've been busy. Maybe we can hang tonight?" "Sure.. I'll stop by at yours. Gotta go now." I said goodbye to Lee, too and went back to my office. I should really talk to Lee and set things straight. I owed him an apology.

Arriving home, I collapsed on the couch and closed my eyes. I didn't know how long I slept until Josh's knocking on the door woke me. He brought a sixpack of beer with him and we sat down on my balcony floor where the sun was setting.

I smoked a cigarette and we talked about The Cure, work, studying, him looking forward to seeing his girlfriend Suzie again.

"I think I understand why you didn't talk about Lee with me", Josh finally said. "I still thought it was stupid though. I want us to be able to talk about everything." Shit.. he broke my heart. I tried to convince him I'd never do anything like that again. And carefully asked him if it was a good thing to talk things out with Lee.

Josh scratched his head and examined my face. "Um.. yeah.. I think you actually somehow owe him an apology." "I thought so, too. But I was afraid he wouldn't talk to me again." "Well.. I think he's ready now. The tension from the exams falling off of him too. And you know.. couple of weeks have passed."

When Josh left, I took the courage to call Lee. Maybe the three beer I drank had something to do with it, too.

Miguel took the call and I rolled my eyes. "Oh hey.. Not expect you to call", he said in his latino accent. What a surprise Miguel. Just hand your roommate over already.

Turns out I surprised Lee with my call, too. I felt so relieved though as he agreed to meet at the Reilley's this week. What was I to expect from this?

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