Part Forty-Six: Daya and Tara

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"Hi Tara, Daya. Great you guys came", Gibby said and opened his arms for a big, cuddly hug. Lara and me looked at each other and then back to him. Naahh.. we ain't hugging you big, hairy bear. He catched onto it and let his arms fall down. "Sorry. I'm just that kind of a person. I always forget not everyone likes that much intimacy right from the start", he said and shrugged. My god.. weirdo alert.

"Hi Gibby. I may have hugged you if you got our names right. It's Lara and Kaya. But nevermind", L said and I chuckled slightly. "Well... And I guess I'm not the names person", he shrugged. Then he scratched his chin. "But I'm definitely the conditioner person. Would you mind writing that one you used down for me?", he asked, grabbed a pen and a coaster from behind the bar.

Shit.. he must be a psycho. But I still let him know I used Suaves moisturizing conditioner to get my hair fluffy. As I wrote it down, Gibby clapped his hands happily. "Man.. isn't that my good friend John Anthony? Why won't you come over here John Anthony? I've missed you so bad." My ears almost fell off from his yelling.

Lara frowned. Ohh naahh..He was talking to John. John John. My John. That John that wasn't this high on the list of people I wanted to talk to right now. I would've actually enjoyed a cup of tea with Satan a lot more than talking to John.

I think he noticed the dirty looks I was giving him because he only came closer hesitantly. "Hey Gibby. Hey Lara.. Kaya." "Hello Johnny", Lara said. I grumbled something noone seemed to understand. "Totally get what you're saying Daya. Such a pleasure to have John here", hairy guy said. I thrusted the coaster into his hand. "Yeah.. there you go.. I'm using Suaves Shampoo.. you can actually get it at any drugstore", I said, grabbed Lara and went outside.

"Let's look for Rio and Keanu", I told a confused looking Lara. When we were in front of the club I almost got run over by River. "Peanut! I was just looking for you!", he yelled. "Same here", I smiled and introduced him to Lara who turned pasty-white and started to stutter. She relaxed as soon as Rio put the focus on me. Which got me nervous in reverse.

"Man I was worried about you. Gibb told me John messed with your boyfriend and he probably broke up with you and I saw you crying and then you were suddenly gone. I didn't even know you had a boyfriend and now you don't and what the fuck?", Rio said and I only shrugged my shoulders and tried to give him a short version of what happened.

"Right.. Well.. I could've guessed him and Tina won't work.. she's a little something", Rio murmured. "Anyway.. let's go have some fun. Keanus' friend is throwing a house party just around the corner. Will you guys come?" I didn't even have to wait off Ls' reaction, I knew she was down for it.

When we arrived at the party, everyone was fucking high and loaded. And I mean.. everyone. Lara and me had a few shots with Keanu and philosophized about if there was life on mars or not. Lara concluded that there could only live creatures at least half a human size, crawling on the ground and breathing with their butts. Keanu approved. I felt like he was getting a little too friendly with L anyway but shrugged it off. As long as she was cool with that.

I also shrugged off that guy that offered us a line of coke. I mean.. I had never taken coke before.. but it just felt like the most natural thing to do in that moment. And soon.. it felt like the most natural thing ever to get cozy in the arms of Rio.

I was quite sure nothing more happened. But I didn't know if I would've turned it down. I felt numb and happy and smiled all the way as if I was programmed to do so.

When I stumbled to the patio, someone who was the spitting image of John was sitting there. "Finally", that someone said. When I looked closer, I saw that this guy was John indeed. "Wha.. how did you get here? How did you know?", I asked. He shrugged. "You guys were gone. Keanu and River were gone. Gibby told me there was this party.. I figured." "I see." He sighed. "I'm sorry for telling Lee. I shouldn't have done this. But just seeing you two together got me mad and I couldn't control myself.. like seeing you and River together", he said and looked down.

I moved closer to him and felt my heart racing. I wasn't sure if this was excitement or just jag. "Oh.. no, no. There's nothing going on with me and Rio. I was just a little high. He's a friend. I swear", I said. He moved back from me once more.

"Kaya, you don't even know what it is you want." "I do know!" "Go on, tell me!" I hesitated. "Yeah, see", he said and took my hands into his.

He sighed and paused. I could see how his brain was busy. He was probably trying to figure out the right words. He tried to start saying them but hesitated. I was dying to hear what he wanted to tell me. I slowly stroked the back of his fingers and he finally calmed.

"Kaya.. would you close your eyes for me.. think of the most beautiful moments you had in the last weeks." I closed my eyes. I saw me and John in the skatepark. Me and John talking on his apartment floor. Me waking up in Johns' arms.

Fuck. It was him all the way. I looked at him with a desperate look in my eyes. "John... It's.. I see yo-.." He suddenly let go of my hand and threw his arms up. "See, it's not me you're thinking about at all. Why am I doing all of this? Go find me the sense in that. There is none. Fuck. I'm sorry I destroyed your relationship for nothing. I'll tell Lee I roofied you or whatever. Maybe he'll take you back."

I almost started laughing at his absurd monologue but got my shit together and shook his arm. "What?", he asked furiously. "I said it's you I see", I said quietly.

His face fell and his voice was shaky. "Wh-what? Repeat that? You.. you didn't say it was.. me?", he said and pointed to himself. I nodded. "It is." "Oh god. Wow. I don't know..are you serious?" "I am", I said and kissed his cheek. John didn't move.

And I felt as if I took a dive into burning lava. It was the hardest thing ever to not kiss these beautiful lips that were just inches away from mine. Place my hands all over this body I was craving for so badly. What was holding me back? Good question. My heart was punching my complicated, little brain so hard.. I basically felt a real disturbing headache. When I cleared my mind.. kind of.. I wanted to escape.. leave. My heart was racing like crazy. And I started to feel a heavy itch in my arm and started scratching.

John looked at me in horror. "Fuck.. I didn't notice your huge pupils. What have you dropped? You seem so off." I looked at him but my mouth was so dry, I couldn't speak. At least it felt as if it was the case. But a few moments later it was gone.. like nothing had ever been there. "I.. I think I snorted.. coke", I said.

All of a sudden, he gave me a slight slap in the face. "What the hell?", I asked. "No.. I'm supposed to ask this. Why the hell would you take coke? What's gotten into you?" I shrugged. "I felt like doing it... Shit.. it's itchy again..", I said absentmindedly. He grabbed my hand so I would stop scratching. Fuck.. I shouldn't have done this.. I felt terribly sick and then.. yay.. started crying all of a sudden. John looked extremely desperate. I bet he regret ever wanting me.

"John.. I don't feel so good", I whined. He sighed. "You sure don't look good, silly. I guess it's one of these days I have to take you home, huh? We'll have a nice little zizz. How does that sound to you?", he said and stroked my head gently. I nodded and smiled.

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