Part One Hundred Thirty Four: Cheats

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Kaya's POV

I hadn't heard from John since that weird phone call. And I didn't really know where they were at the moment, so I didn't have a chance to call him back. All I could do was wait for him to call me again. It was a strange feeling of uncertainty. But luckily, I had my best friend back in my life. And I had my other friends that kept me busy.

Plus, my mom had called me a couple of days ago to tell me dad had moved back in. So I thought I'd show up at my parent's house for dinner.

I turned the keys of the car around and my tape recorder started playing Nirvana. I smiled. That Kurt dude made me happy in a strange way with his depressing lyrics and songs. Or maybe I was just so happy about my parents being back together. There still was true love, right?

When I arrived I saw the silhouttes of my mom and dad in the kitchen and started smiling again. I grabbed my bag from the passenger's seat and walked up to the front door. Then I realized they were talking to each other.. really loud. Yes, they were shouting at each other. I stood still and almost let my bag fall down, when it stopped and my mom stood in the open door. Her head still red from arguing. But putting a good face on the matter. As always. She walked up to me and hugged me.

I was paralyzed. But eventually, I went in with her. The least thing I expected was these two fighting... again fighting... when I came home. I was so looking forward to harmony and stable relationships.

I just couldn't handle it.

"Mom, what's going on here?", I said and looked to her fake smiling face.

"What are you talking about, hun?", she said and blinked with her eyes a couple of times.

"Don't try to hide it, alright? I've heard you shouting", I said, rather angrily.

"Oh, sweetie, it was just a little fight.. about nothing", she said and went up to the stove to look inside the cooking pot. The smell of freshly cooked pasta came into my nose.

Then my dad went up to her. "Why don't you tell her what's happened, huh? When you're gonna make me the bad guy, you gotta own up to the fact that you messed up, too, don't you?"

"Oh shut up", she snapped back.

I was close to tears and asked them again what was going on.

My dad looked at me and then to my mom with dead eyes. "Your mom. She's fucking around. And I found out."

My mom almost let the cooking spoon she was clinging onto fall to the ground.

"What?", I quietly asked. "Is that true, mom?"

She turned around and she rather said to my dad then to me: "I've not been fucking around for christ's sake. I've just been out with Lawrence."

"Yes, while I was back with you", he shouted at her.

"Yes", she dryly said and turned back around to the stove.

"Oh jesus christ, I'd never thought my wife was a whore", my dad said and flourished his hands.

My mom turned back around and got furious, asking him what he'd just called her.

And I was just standing in the middle of all of this, totally numb. But the anger and the pain was slowly building up.

"He's right, mom", I dryly said.

She looked at both of us in shock. 

There was silence for a moment. Until she tried to explain herself. But she just stammered out sentences that didn't make any sense.

"Well.. I just fucking wanted you to feel what I felt when I found out you cheated on me", she eventually said to my dad.

And maybe for the first time in my life, I was on my dad's side when he told her her behavior was childish and she was destroying everything. Because he did regret what he did to her and taking vengeance wasn't a thing to do in a grown up relationship.

My mom couldn't handle the situation. I think she really thought she was right and that I'd be on her side. She was really angry with us and yelled things at my dad. And then she grabbed the keys for her car and rushed out of the house.

I felt sorry for my dad. But I was just so wrecked. I couldn't stay another second. He told me he was sorry. And that's when I also took my keys and drove off.

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