Part Thirteen: Very British Night

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I don't know how, but I think I managed to give Lee the right address. At least he was picking me up later. I was wearing a dark jeans skirt, jeans jacket and a white shirt. I left my hair straight and put on a lid line. "Looking good Kaya", Lee greeted me. Instant blush once more. I could tell him the same, but just couldn't get it past my lips. He wore dark denims. A black shirt that said the Stone Roses. Probably a band tee. I loved when guys wore all black. Plus he had black hair, short and messy, and brown eyes to get lost in. "Nice neighborhood you're living in. And it's not far from my place which is class", Lee winked. "Yup, it's a good place to live and I can walk to the strip which is super nice." Ouch, he was clearly going in the flirty direction and I was acting like buddies again. I'll have to work on that. When we were in the Reilly's, Lee was delighted. "I almost feel like being in the UK", he smiled. I decided to introduce him to the pub owner Gerard with whom I spend loads of unforgettable nights over the years. "Lee, you sound like a Manchester bloke, aye?", Gerard said. "Exactly. And you're from?" "Dublin", Gerard said drawing a beer. Lee had ordered McEwans for us, which happened to be his favorite. He was instantly cheering when he got that Gerard was from Ireland. "Insane, mate. My mom's from Cork. You a bohemians fan?", Lee asked. "Oh god, please don't start talking soccer", I rolled my eyes. "Christ Kaya, it's football. Soccer's for pussies", he hit my shoulder. "He's got a point girl", Gerard agreed. "I'm sorry haha. So.. could we please not talk about "football"?", I said. "Everything you want", Lee gave me a sweet smile. He turned around and saw the juke box. "Woah, we should play DJ, what'd'you think?" With the "pint", I learned that's how you call your beer in England, in our hands, we sat down in front of the juke box. Lee was showing me what's "hot in the UK", I showed him the LA music scene. I admired his music taste. He introduced me to the Clash who are pretty badass.

After we had five or six pints of McEwans I felt a little drunk already. "Would you like to take a walk Kaya?", Lee asked me. We said bye to Gerard and promised him we'd be back soon. "Pretty cool pub Kaya. We should deffo come around some more", Lee said. I nodded. We went to the nearest park and set down on a bench. I was feeling a little cold which Lee seemed to have noticed. He didn't say anything, just laid his arm around my shoulder. I felt a warm frisson going through my body. He was looking up to the stars. "I'm glad Josh introduced us", he said. "Me too", I smiled. "But you need to rethink your adoration for the Sweet, they're horrible haha", I added. Great, I ruined the moment once more. But luckily Lee wasn't giving up on it. "Well the juke box had a limited selection. I took some great records from home with me. I'll show you I can do better." "You should totally." "How 'bout now? But don't get me wrong, I'm not trying, really. You do seem a bit cold. It'd be a bit irresponsible of me not to suggest, wouldn't it?", he smirked. "What a charmer you are. I guess I got nothing to hold against", I said.

So we took a walk to his apartment, I played LA guide, telling him where he could grab good food, where the "hip people" hang, where the old lush hang. "Impressive. Ever thought of becoming an urban city guide?", Lee laughed when we were at his front door. He shared his apartment with another exchange student from Columbia who was currently not home. "We can hang in the living room", Lee said. He went into what I guess was his room and came back with a couple of records under his arm which he laid down on the couch. "Here, take a look at these while I figure out how to get this player going. It's Miguel's and more like a time machine with all these buttons and shit", Lee laughed. His record collection was real interesting, I must admit. He had some Stones, some Kinks but also Hendrix and Lynyrd Skynyrd and lots of bands I had never even heard of before. One looked real psychedelic which got me curious. It said it was Pink Floyd but looked nothing like the records I've seen of these guys. Lee sat down on the couch next to me. "Found yourself one?" "Yeah, this one looks quite cool. Is it really Pink Floyd?" "Aye, it's with their original singer Syd Barrett actually. Real messed up guy. Got all into LSD and freaked out and then they got David Gilmour to take his part. We'll listen to this one. Quite the experience", Lee laughed. "But before, would you like to drink something? I think I've got some Cider." "Uhh.. what's that?", I was totally clueless. "It's somehow like beer but made of fermented apples instead of hops... Ladies usually like it haha." "So this is what you do to get the girls. Sneak them into your apartment, play some Pink Floyd and instill them cider?", I smirked. "Yup haha", he said, went to the kitchen and came back with two bottles that he placed on the couch table. "Need a glass? Or... Um.. we only have cups haha", Lee asked. I declined. He put on the record, opened the cider and placed himself next to me on the couch. "Cheers", we touched glasses. "Wow, this is real good", I said. "Yeah right, like how could you live without Cider your whole life?", Lee laughed. Then I concentrated on the music. "I think I can hear out the LSD haha", I said. "But it's strangely cool too", I added. "Isn't it?", Lee nodded. After sipping out half of the cider, I went from tipsy to real drunk. I didn't feel bad though. I only felt my senses fading. Which was really not good considering the fact that I was at a guy's apartment. At a real handsome guy's apartment.

Lee grabbed a strand of my hair and wrapped it around his finger. "Your hair looked so soft. Wanted to touch it the whole night", Lee said dreamy. "Were you right?", I asked. "Uhuh..." And man did his voice sound seductive. He came closer, put his arm around my shoulder. And looked me in the eyes. "I'd love to kiss you", Lee said and my heart skipped a beat. "Why don't you just do it?", I asked quietly. He let go of my shoulder and laid both of his hands on my burning cheeks, his eyes focusing mine. Then he slowly placed his lips on mine. I could feel my whole body relax and put my hands around his neck. Our lips were one. The tongues slowly tickling each other. The moment was so intense, I didn't even hear the door click shut. „Hola Lee!", someone shouted, I could hear the sound of a bag falling on the ground. We quickly got off of each other. This guy was standing in front of us "Oh no.. I'm sorry. Didn't know someone was coming over. I'll just go straight to my room", he said, getting all red. Lee scratched his neck. „It's okay Miguel", he said. I came back to my mind in seconds, sat up straight and said: „Um, I think I gotta go now. It's late and I have work tomorrow." "I'm sorry Kaya, I thought Miguel was going to this party and wouldn't be back 'till midnight", Lee said. "It's alright. Don't worry. But I really got to go", I said and got up. He did the same. "I'll walk you home." „No, no, it's okay. I often walk home alone at nights." I don't know what it was, but after Miguel came in, I felt extremely uncomfortable, I couldn't quite put my finger on it. It wasn't like I didn't enjoy the kiss. "I don't care, I won't let you go out there on your own", and Lee put on a jacket. "Ok, fine", I smiled awkwardly.

The walk home was rather silent. When we arrived at mine, Lee looked to me. "You seem different. I'm sorry if I took it too fast..", he said but I interrupted him by kissing him. When I let go, he smiled. "Ok, so I guess I don't have to worry about that anymore?", he said and scratched his neck. I noticed him doing this every once in a while and thought it was quite cute. "No, I had a great night Lee. Thanks for walking me home", I said. "Of course. Sooo.. when will I see you again?" „We could meet up for lunch once more. Maybe on Thursday?", I suggested. „Ace, 12.30 where we had that sandwich today?" „Sounds good." „Sweet dreams, Kaya. Looking forward to seeing you again", Lee said. I could feel his eyes resting on my lips. He stood there like that for a while but instead of kissing me, he turned around and left, looking back once more. "Bye", he waved. "See you Lee", I said. One part of me wished, he'd have kissed me, the other felt somehow relieved he didn't. I guess I had to sleep over what happened.

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