Part Thirty: Amore Mia

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I just love Fridays so much. Being home from work around 1 pm is bliss. Now I got plenty of time to clean the mess that is my apartment. Yay.

I got interrupted by the ringing phone. "Hi who's there?" "Bonjour Kay. It's Flea. How's it going?" "Uh.. I was just cleaning my place which is not so much fun.. but I'm glad I got a distraction now.. in form of a French dude called Flea." He chuckled. "Yeah.. so Tony and me agreed on having this Jam Session routine at his house on Fridays. And we'd like to have you there. Are you free?" "Oh yeah. Sounds great!" "Cool. We thought we could go out too. If we feel like doing so." "Sounds good, too. Now I gotta get back to work. Thanks for inviting me over." "Anytime."

I called L to check if she was coming, too. Not that I didn't expect her to be with Chad anyways. "I'm SO going to be there. It's so fucking exciting to see what the guys are up to musically, right? Sometimes I wish I got a job at Ocean Way. But I'd probably scratch Chris' eyes out by the end of day one. He's cool and all. But come with that guy? No way!", Lara was basically leading a monologue when I called her. "Um.. I don't know how you got there.. I basically just wanted to check if you're coming", I laughed. "Yeah yeah right. I know you love it when I drift away. Now.. will you come around before we go? At 5-ish?"

"Hey Kay, did you know the guys are gonna kick off their tour in the beginng of March?", L asked me while she was scanning her wardrobe. "No, I didn't. Pretty soon, huh?" She took out a few shirts and dresses and eyed them with distrust. "Yeah. I was thinking of dumping Chad."

I was just gonna let myself fall on her bed but got up immediately. "What? No way! You were so happy..why??" Now she was holding a dark red top in her hands and smiled. "This ones good!"

"Hellooo??! Lara?!" "Yeah?", she said and looked up to me. "What's wrong with you? Why would you dump Chad?" She shrugged. "I dunno. It's stupid to get serious right before he leaves right? But it was just a thought. I'm not sure yet." "Wow girl. You're staying pretty calm." She shrugged once more. "I've only known him for what? Two or three weeks? I'll get over it." Man.. was she that cold hearted? "Ok, we'll see." "Yup."

I couldn't believe her. But she was changing her mind pretty fast, so I was just gonna see what happens. Lara was ready. She did that perfect smokey eyes thingy again and looked flawless. "This is not your 'I'm dumping you'-outfit, am I right?", I grinned. She rolled her eyes. "You're too funny, Miss Davis."

"Ladies", Tony greeted us as he opened the door. "Antoine", Lara said and dropped a curtsey. "Oh la la, madame", he said and kissed her hand. "Freaks", I murmured and walked past them which caused both of them to burst out in laughter.

"There's my girl", Flea said and took me into a hug. "I've missed you Flea", I said. Chad came running to me. "You've missed me too, right? Right? Come on, say it", he said. "Absolutely Mr. Smith. But you know who missed you even more?", I said and motioned to Lara. "And you know who missed you like crazy? Johnny-Boy. You're literally turning his head." I swallowed. "Ha, funny Chadwick", I said and rolled my eyes.

"What's so funny?", John asked while he rested his hand on Chad's shoulder. "Um.. nothing", I said. "Come on", he grinned. "She thought it was funny how you miss her like crazy", Chad blankly said. Man what the fuck is wrong with this guy? He's just too forthright sometimes. I hit him. "Chad!!!"

John looked quite unimpressed. "Why should I miss her? I had her laying in my bed just yesterday", he smirked. Oohhkaay. Didn't expect that. "Whoahoahoa Johnny", Chad growled and hit his arm with his fist. "You wish", I said and gave John a playful evil look and turned to Chad. "Since this charmer over here doesn't own any furniture, I sat on a mattress.. on the floor.. in the hall.. no bedroom. no candles.. no romance. The only thing that John got wild and dirty with was his guitar", I said and rolled my eyes on John.

"Whatever, I only heard blah blah blah", Chad said and chuckled. "Fuck off, Chad. I'm gonna hang with Flea now. You guys are stupid", I said and poked my tongue out which caused them to laugh.

"Bonjour Flea", I said as I let myself sink next to him on the couch. "Bonjour Kaya", he smiled. "Will you have a nice, cold and refreshing drink with me, Madame?" "Oui, oui."

We stood up and went into the kitchen. I sat down own the cupboard and let my feet swing. Flea told me about their recording sessions. He told me they were almost done and I had to think about what Lara told me. They're leaving soon. God. I was gonna miss these guys. I'd miss Flea. But if I was being honest to myself.. I'd miss John even more. Because he seemed to become a real good friend, I tried to tell myself at least.

"John seemed extremely cheerful today", Flea said as he poured me a drink. "Did he?", I asked. "Yeah, he told me he's teaching you how to play Hendrix songs. Pretty cool. John's gotta watch out for you to take his place though", he grinned. "Definitely. He says I got the guitar hands", I winked and waved my hands in his face. "I bet", he laughed. "Wanna sit outside?" I nodded.

Flea took the bottle of Vodka with him. "We should play a drinking game", he smirked. "Huh. Why not?" We played have you ever and started teasing each other with stupid things like "I've never played in a band", "I've never worked for a University" until we were getting really drunk. Flea turned to me with a wide smile. "I've never fantasized about making out with someone in this house". I took a big sip out of the vodka bottle. He did, too. "Who is it?", I asked him immediately. "It's my wife Loesha", he grinned widely. "Whoa, you're married? How cool is that? Will you introduce her to me?", I smiled. He nodded happily. "But first you gotta tell me who you're fantasizing about", he winked. Fuck, why did I drink anyway? I didn't wanna tell Flea about my "John fantasies". I actually thought they only came up because I was so neither serious nor important enough to talk about or spend another thought on.

"Hi", someone said and rescued me out of the situation. I turned around. It was a tall girl leaning on the porch. "Loesha!", Flea shouted out in glee. "My mom called, she can't watch Clara anymore. We need to pick her up", she said. "Yeah, okay", he said and looked pretty down. Then he turned back to me. "This is Loesha by the way. Loesha, this is Kaya." I reached out my hand but she didn't seem to notice or didn't want to notice. "John's girl, right?", she said instead. "Uh.. no I'm actua-.." "Nice meeting you anyway. Now let's go, Flea", she said and made her way down the stairs. Flea looked to me as if he was trying to get permission to leave. "You go now", I assured him and smiled.

Now that was strange, I thought and drank out the rest of the Vodka bottle. Ant poked his head out of the door. "Yo, where's Flea?" "He's just left." "Aw fuck man, we just wanted to show you guys some of our new stuff." "How about we just party instead?" "Kaya, I gotta say, I like your attitude", Tony said and laughed.

As I came back in, I instantly noticed John talking to some girl. She looked really pretty. And they were sitting next to each other.. close..real close. He didn't even look up once as I walked past them. Whatever, I said to myself.

I sat next to Lara on the sofa and whispered into her ear. "You know her?" She whispered back: "Who?" "That girl John's talking to." "Nah, but they've spent the whole night together." "Do you think she's pretty?", I said while observing the two. "Uh.. yeah.. I gotta admit she is." "Fuck..uh.. I mean.. that's good for him, right?" "Yeah, it is, because you're taken.. in a relationship.. off the market.. shall I spell that for you?" "I'm good, thanks. I could just use a drink", I said and stood up.

I went into the kitchen and drank a big glass of water. I was drunk and confused... when that girl showed up. She stretched out her hand. "Hi, I'm Mia." I didn't bother shaking her hand and simply said my name. "Um.. you're a friend of the guys, yeah?" I nodded. "Cool. How did you meet?" "Oh.. so John was the first one I met and he wanted to fuck me actually. And now we hang out regularly", I spoke down to her. Uncomfortable was written all over her forehead. "Ok.. I'll be going now.. thanks for the conversation I guess", she said and rushed out.

Ugh... Wasn't I being charming? That poor girl. Did I already mention I drink too much? I went out of the kitchen, grabbed my bag and got out without another word.

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